GG Tim Allin

My advice to Showtime: Follow “The Wire”. Go where the story is. We got a big city. Show it, warts and all.

And what’s problematic about his response? He said they’ve checked with the Deuce production to see if there’s been any problems and that’s all he can speak to. He’s not saying he doesn’t believe anyone, but that currently he’s paying attention to how this unfolds.

I’m ya huckleberrah!

alternative headline, “GQ Finally Gets Joke.”

The work environment being toxic was an intended part of the show. It was never meant to make the audience feel comfortable.

Probably should record future meetings

I’m not surprised. I’m just hoping rock bottom isn’t a nuclear holocaust.

What would be the point of recording them? He would just claim that it wasn’t his voice or that Hilary altered the tape in her spare time.

“We’re going to dismantle the federal government! Starve the beast!”

Yes even though the Republicans control all branches of government it’s the Democrats who will be to blame for a shutdown. Give me a fucking break.

Cardboard and fondant.

I don’t know how to break this to you, but that ship has already sailed.

Now playing

He supposedly likes cartoons, can’t someone play “Yakko’s World” for him?

“Those people at the meeting who can verify what I said independently are liars. Reality is a subjective construct. Chaos reigns.”

Or, the old standby, “I am deeply offended by the question and the insinuation behind it. Trump is doing more to address the issues surrounding immigration than any other. Next question. We are done with this topic.”

Best tweet I saw read:

Tomorrow (January 12th) marks the 8th anniversary of the worst day in Haiti’s history, the 2010 earthquake that killed thousands upon thousands of people, so the timing of Trump’s racist insult seems especially mean-spirited.

Huckahump cancelled tomorrow’s presser. This may be too much even for her to come up with bullshit for.

I wonder why these early morning ICE raids never hit hotels and restaurants, place notorious for hiring undocumented workers, and just targeted 7-11s?