GG Tim Allin

Authoritarians submit to powerful leaders. Today, Bannon is nether powerful nor a leader.

Likely a confused frenzy over which parent they should side with in the divorce, followed by deep angst over whether Trump or Bannon is in fact the “cuck”.

He felt it was time he stepped out of the liver spotlight.

A pack of wild dogs will attack and kill a wounded member.

I’m not sure “world class news platform” is the term I would use to describe Breitbart news. “Cage full of Rhesus monkies flinging their own poop at each other and anyone who stops by to gawk” seems more appropriate.

Nope. Continue, we’ll wait.

Am I too late to be the fourteenth person to make the ‘raping Jack Kirby’s corpse’ joke?

Harlan Ellison prepares a lawsuit claiming he invented the concept of harassing a personal care aide.

The GOP is excellent at this. Take something totally normal and harmless (e.g. people wanting to be with their families) and create some scary-sounding new buzzword for it. And their dumbass base goes for it hook, line, and sinker - all the while not realizing it’s a distraction so the oligarchs can profit even more.

It’s amazing to me that so many people consider it uncouth to question his mental fitness when it is so blindingly obvious how stupid he is. This is clearly a man who has never gone out of his way to learn anything about anything ever, or to increase his understanding of anything. It is just painful watching him

‘I think a clean DACA bill, to me, is a DACA bill, but we take care of the 800,000 people ... but I think, to me, a clean bill is a bill of DACA, we take care of them, and we also take care of security.’

You need whole butter for laminated doughs because the water content in the emulsion turns to steam during baking and creates lift and separation in the layers.

Great job buttering her up. Hope you don’t get margarinalized for your excellent punnery.

Just not to his employees.

Nude scenes in art films are comparable to Bumfights.com? C’mon....

you think you’re going to win any kind of hearts by talking to people that way? you come of as a fucking asshole nobody would every want to listen to

You really have some problems.

If he did do some of those things he’s clearly horrible, but “my wages to do a nude scene weren’t as high as I would like” is a really lukewarm inclusion in this.