GG Tim Allin

And we couldn’t have had Schindler’s List without Hitler, so...

Deep but harmless. It’s not like he went on stage and said “grab ‘em by the pussy” so I don’t understand the ire.

Holy shit! As someone already said in this Twitter thread, if only he and his colleagues had been this acute during the election — we might not currently be having our planet ruined by Cheeto Hitler and his SS.

Is that like, an opinion someone could have? That’s literally insane. That’s like saying it’s ok to burn down buildings since we have firefighters to put the fires out for us.

I appreciate Tapper’s comment, and it’s an important point, but Miller’s used enough alt right neo-Nazi dog whistles that he’s no longer invited to Shabbat.

He’s not trying to convince anyone of anything. He’s trying to show Daddy Donald that he’s the most loyal henchman and deserves a fancy escort.

I can’t imagine anyone having sex with this man willingly.

Heard that some people are saying Trump is going to disown Eric and adopt Stephen Miller. I mean, I dunno. Sounds crazy. But some very good people are apparently saying it. The best people.

Unless you are a police officer or Republican politician

His hair ran away to find a less racist head

Ooooh - I had not come across “IQ45" before.

This further proves my theory that if you’re stupid enough to lose a limb due to a fireworks accident; you shouldn’t be in any position of responsibility.

The only thing that stops a bad guy with one arm is a good guy with a creepy screen name.

He made millions of people laugh (me included) and seemed like he had a big heart. RIP.

Oh, it’s because he’s a pathological liar who wants to blame everyone else for his mistakes.

“Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence.....”

As Kimmel said last night, “we all know that he’s going to take credit for the book selling so well in a few months, right?”

Here’s where I am confused:

The judge gave Clarke a pass on abusing his authority by having his cheese curd stormtroopers hold up a guy...over a headshake?