GG Tim Allin

This is not half as clever as you think it was.

One of the primary reasons Nixon resigned when he did is that Barry Goldwater and other Republican leaders in Congress told him that the vast majority of his own party would vote to remove him from office. It is hard to imagine that happening with Trump and the current Republican leadership.

At least he’s not watching a Kirk Cameron: Jesus vs. Jackin’ It movie on a loop.

Is this what Bob and David were referring to when they sang “erotic tangerines, erotic letters from Ben Vereen”?

Suspicious of this because he’s a vocal critic of Scientology and all the accusers are anonymous.

Of course it isn’t the same thing. Don’t be ridiculous. If people were honestly concerned about the unborn, they would logically be pro-contraception. That the anti-choice people are also anti-contraception makes it clear that their real interest is in controlling women’s lives. Period.

KKK probably does not believe what it used to believe, and, anyway, who really knows what the KKK believes now?

Trump simply couldn’t wrap his mind around why an otherwise nice white American would join a group with a long history of lynching, beating, murdering, and terrorizing black Americans.

KKK probably does not believe what it used to believe, and, anyway, who really knows what the KKK believes now?

Remember folks.

You think homeless people care about housing regulations when they are freezing on sidewalks? I’d say you’re getting worked up about the wrong thing here, buddy.

If he wanted to kill black people, why didn’t he just become a cop?

He likes tits and legs, oh the misogyny!

This being really hot take notwithstanding, since we don’t allow people under 18 to vote because they’re idiots, can we also not allow people over the age of 65 (70?) to make regressive decisions that have impacts that are felt longer than their expected lifespan?

STATE’S RIGHTS!!! Except when, wait... dammit.

Secure Community...

Oh, the Republicans are deeply troubled by something Trump did? Ya don’t say.

I wonder if they’ll make a bunch of impotent tweets about it and then keep voting like trained monkeys for everything he supports and refuse to exercise Congressional oversight powers in any consequential way.

The one Trump voter I see on a regular basis (a co-worker) has an extreme case of buyers’ remorse now. It’s nice to see. Although I can’t help but wonder if she had to do it all over again, if she’d still vote for him over Hillary Clinton, who she apparently thought was the worst person in the universe.

How did you type this message while you were sleeping?