GG Tim Allin

only on days that end in Y.

To quote The Monarch about a book ...

Well ya see, Girlfriend’s Mother, Trump is what they call in the book biz a complete moron.

Clinton’s impeachment was over a false statement in a deposition. If Trump has to give a statement under oath, he’ll perjure himself so many times the mathematicians will have to invent new numbers.

Coincidentally, it’s also what happens when 2 teenage girls have a falling out.

I sincerely hope these NDA’s work as well for Trump as they did for Harvey Weinstein. He deserves no less.

If these two crazy kids can’t make it, then no one can.

Personally, with all these indicted/fired/mutinous staff who, according to the administration, apparently played no role in anything important at any time, I’m enjoying the self-implication that Trump surrounds himself with incompetent empty suits that are given lofty titles and paid exorbitant salaries. By his own

I’m over there right now and it’s fucking GLORIOUS. Most of the deluded fucks are eating eachother alive and the ones that aren’t have their hands over their ears and are chanting “MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!” The winning comment of the night so far was this wisecrack from an onlooker drinking in the schadenfreude: “wow, trump

Remember all those stories right after the election that no one with half a brain wanted to work for this administration? This is why.

Charles “Chuck” Harder? That sounds like an outtake from the MST3K Space Mutiny name bit.

There’s also the fact that his father had dementia and it’s often passed down to the kids, but *shrugs*. Proof is all there, but the ones in power just ignore it.

The RN wife of a friend of mine thinks it’s neurosyphilis.

It is scheduled for Jan 12.

A lot of these articles point back to decades-old trump interviews. He has always been a narcissistic idiot. But he was once a coherent, narcissistic idiot capable of using three syllable words and maintaining a train of thought for 15 seconds. The decline is staggering.

No he didn’t.

A lot of Oregonians seem to be very proud of their inept lameness. I don’t see why anybody would admit this.

I’m with this guy. This is an unprecedented business opportunity.