GG Tim Allin

I mean, they’re a supplier, and they’re complaining about soft prices for their products to restaurants/processed food manufacturers/etc. Meanwhile, wings are seemingly more expensive than ever at restaurants everywhere. So their reaction is to blame the players as opposed to restaurants trying to make up more of

I lost my closest and best friend to addiction, it was one of, if not the hardest things i’ve ever had to witness, i learned so much, but it’s a horrifically helpless feeling watching it happen.

I totally get her point, i arrived at the same moment of realisation. As much as you hope, desperately want and try to help,

I’ve never really used this technique for smaller peppers but I do use it for bell peppers. Makes quick work of it and you get flat pieces to chop, slice, etc without having to deal with the seeds.

I don’t know about you, but I never:

I mean, they called it Sesame Street News Flash and he wore a trenchcoat.

Honest question: Do you think abortion is really the issue there, or is it that support for anti-abortion candidates overlaps closely with support for white candidates? In other words, are they hiding behind one seemingly unimpeachable voting issue to disguise another, less savory motive?

The issue that democrats need to understand though - if they changed their platform and became the party of 100% prohibition no abortions for anyone - the republican purse strings would simply move the goalpost.

Chock Full Of Nuts seems like an appropriate brand for the alt-right.

They are, but they smashed their Keurigs a few weeks ago.

I think you mean...unpresidented.

These are great men doing important work, just like 10 year-old me when I would play video games and put A-S-S as my initials when I got a high score, taking the culture back for A-S-Ses like myself.

Wow,  I have been in such a dark place these last few months and especially the last couple weeks.  I was up early this morning unable to sleep, saw this news and felt a thousands times better.  Maybe the world isn’t ending just yet

Today’s moment of zen: Steve Bannon couldn’t get a bigot elected in Alabama.

From winning the lottery, to foiling an assassination attempt, to clearing the Mitchum Brothers of fraud, to becoming a US Senator, Dougie Jones has had a hell of a year.

You all need to thank black people who turned out and kicked ass

There’s no way trump himself wrote that tweet. For one, no way can he be magnanimous regarding a defeat sources inside the white house are comparing to an “earthquake” and “virginia times a hundred”.

Secondly, none of his mannerisms are present. There are no randomly capitalized words, nor is he putting weird synonyms

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? 

I hope Moore never concedes. I hope he shows up at the capitol on the day Jones is to be sworn in and winds up being forcibly removed from the building. I hope a female guard kicks Moore in the nards on his way out.


I was a political science major, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about what a Jones upset would mean. It’s pretty significant, and requires a fair amount of nuanced thinking. So I apologize in advance if this gets kind of dense and long, but here’s the analysis of someone who studies and thinks about this