GG Tim Allin

I’m a proud member of the 20% of people who thought Bush II was an idiot in late 2001.

Snoke showed up and told him all that stuff about Vader killing the Emperor was fake news.

ya know, a Looper, a caddy, a jock...

Now playing

That’s not just a tumor in his skull.

And I thought they were comfortable on the outside!

Yeah, I haven’t seen it since March 2019.


Oh no people are enjoying things on the internet that aren’t precisely what you can permit! And seriously? Last funny SW movie was... the last SW movie. They’re all funny, prequels excepted because they’re mostly just miserable and goofy in alternating portions. Having funny moments doesn’t mean it isn’t a serious

Ajit Pai is a fuckboy.


The decision is the “will of the American people.”

Ok Bill Cosby.

You will have to go downtown, fill out some paperwork, give blood, mortgage the house, spin in a circle, say 3 hail marys, and toss salt over your shoulder.

So yes to Robin. Holy fucking shit I’ve never hated a character as much as her.

Spoiler Alert: I make a cameo on Miles’ phone, in a scene where he bemoans the Kinjafication of the AV Club.

I’d be fine if they all fought Highlander-style to the death.

So now, after all these years, Laurence Olivier has his answer. No, it is not safe (to be in Dustin Hoffman’s dressing room).

Wisconsin, the Land of Paul Ryan.

Nailed it. Thread’s over folks