GG Tim Allin

I don’t think it’s a good idea to be impersonating a wanted, intergalactic felon.

Nope. Oliver brought up harassment allegations against Hoffman while they were discussing a movie centered around harassment allegations. It’s literally the perfect time to ask Hoffman about them.

It involved a sheet with a hole in it. It lasted three thrusts and then he cried for 10 minutes and then prayed for 4 hours.

...“women in the Alt Right are constantly harassed by low status anonymous trolls trying to put us in our place ... The ultimate goal seems to be to bully us off the internet.

Needs a ‘kekeke lol’ at the end.

Exactly what I thought. Lie with snakes and you get bit.

I think these women are saying they did Nazi this coming.

...decrying the decline of traditional Western value...

Angry racist white women upset their dating pool is limited to angry racist bitter white guys.

When I was a little kid, sometimes my dad would come in to play me a song on guitar and sing me to sleep. One of our favorite songs was John Prine’s “Please Don’t Bury Me,” which incidentally is a song about the main character dying, going to heaven and requesting that his body parts be cut up and used for different

Mayonnaise is a mixture of oil and egg, whipped to a tangy cream. It might as well be Greek food and it won’t be had in this house.

“Squinty-eyed milk-toad”

I’m not one to ridicule others’ religious beliefs but how many politicians make the claim that God spoke to them and told them to run for office? I seem to remember at least 4-5 in the 2012 Republican presidential primaries who made that claim, all of whom didn’t even get the nomination. Their “God” seems to be either

I hope that when Pence dies and strolls confidently up to those pearly gates, St Peter will open up his book and say, “Let’s see here, Christian acts performed while on earth ... zero. Huh. Well, that’s unfortunate. The down escalator is on your left.”

Thats Bobby Kelly.

interesting to see a headline featuring ‘Trump’ and ‘fleece’ not be about Trump University

One of the more frightening things about the current regime is their total embrace of Orwellian newspeak.

FIFY Danny