GG Tim Allin

Hair packet is included.

It’s symbolic at best.

Very interesting. Perhaps they leaned into the citrus upon all the cries of “It’s Sprite/7-Up”.

I’ve never tasted caramel coloring by itself so I’d wonder what it takes away from the whole.

I remember multiple people at school who SWORE TO GOD!!! that Crystal Pepsi tasted like Sprite. There was no persuading them otherwise. The idea of simply omitting the color from cola was just too much to wrap their heads around.

VR has finally hit it’s true potential, immersing the viewer in the intricacies of government bureaucracy.

Warehouse 13 on SyFy was essentially a mix of that and X-Files.

The devil you know...

I thought Deep State was that porno they shot in the Pentagon.

Lament Configuration Key, the box is in your house when you get home from work.

He’ll shoot himself in the head with a super-soaker full of Old Crow.

The between the lines implication, it would be less heinous if he were an electrical engineer or a car salesman? The PA Attorney General, ladies and gentlemen.

New Years day, my Trump loving Aunt was railing against him because her property taxes are going up while her sister (who married into money) will be paying less. She’s waking up to the grift.

I thought it was Darth Cirrhosis?

I’ll do them all over the tub then bathe in it.

Much like Obama’s destruction of America was dependent on his re-election.

Are we surprised? (Looking at pic of him & Shelly Duvall above) Him and Pinsky should be forced to fight to the death on a steel cable suspended above an active volcano.

I’m increasingly convinced this whole Kinja thing is a government funded psychological experiment.

The animatronic has better hair.

I still can’t believe the Swarm was in this. Talk about scraping the bottom of the rogues gallery barrel.