GG Tim Allin

Oh please, Gavin.

You’ve earned yourself a Christmas star.

He wet dreamed it.

My deceased Grandmother referred to all Spanish speakers as, “The Spanish”. That said, Reed and Armond White need a review show called, “At the Movies with Geriatric & Contrarian”.

Substitute “Bare Ass” for “Face” and you have my sentiment.

Rocky Mountain oysters.

My outraged Tweet will include a recipe for a sous vide lamb shank.

Wrong post reply.

Resident concern troll, ignore.

Good thing womankind has you, doctor unknown, to protect them from quibbles about their writing.

Or... do they?

Yes, Christmas Caravan is a wonderful album. I always thought it a travesty that Squirrel Nut Zippers got lumped in with than swing revival nonsense, goofy band name notwithstanding they were just a great throwback jazz group. The Sharon Jones Christmas album has become a new favorite in the last couple years.

Asta from The Thin Man series tells a different story.

They secretly LOVE Starbucks coffee, but they obfuscate this with their comedy routine.

Is Snaggletooth the Peter Lorre analogue?

It’s a key component to his brand.

So can we assume this is because if Dassey gets off, they could use it to exonerate Avery? I just saw the series a few weeks ago, but it was clear that little about Dassey’s confession lined up with the facts. (ie-where was the blood on the bed, or the shackle marks on the wood head/foot boards?)

But if they accidentally lobotomized him with the drill, would anyone notice?

$100 for a tiny brass trinket with some gold leaf. Like everything else about Trump, it’s tacky and shameless.

Somewhere today I read “the RepubliKlan party”. I laughed, so be it.