GG Tim Allin

I finished Westworld 2 days before Punisher dropped, so I couldn’t see Barnes as anything but a slimeball.

So they tried to burn your junk with a laser beam is what you’re saying?

“and, like his dad, very humble man”

Instead of a worm, there’s an anchovy in the bottle.

The New AV Club has that cozy, small town feel. I’m fixin some lemonade, wanna sit on the porch rocker for a spell?

I’d imagine that the average moviegoer doesn’t know what a Ratner is. Now if Spacey was the lead...

I call that a bargain, the best you ever had.

He should add some Haggard to his repertoire...

Wasn’t there an episode where they were outed as white guys doing the “Engrish” routine as a marketing ploy?

There’s a chip in the cover that plays Snap’s “I Got the Power” every time you open it.

Based on that statement, Mr. Rock&Roll Decadence is a religious fundamentalist at heart.

The header pic looks like a toddler with a sippy cup.

You’re not wrong, and no, it doesn’t matter. If you pontificate on X-Files mythology for longer than 90 seconds, your frontal lobe will liquify and drip from your nose.

The assumption is that they have any interest in being “in the fold” to begin with.

“How ironclad do reports of sexual assaults against children have to be for Alabama to turn on him?”

Waitaminute, weren’t the DC fanboys gnashing their teeth over RT being biased against the DCEU, and it turns out they have a parent company in common? These conspiracy theories are hurting my brain.


The format could have worked with a different host.

Boycott Nutella, it’s cashew could spend elsewhere.

I was just going to say. I’d bet most couldn’t tell in a blindfold test.