GG Tim Allin

Isn’t the secret asking for unsalted? (Or salt on side)

Aha, so their perma-virginity is self fulfilling prophecy via their own lofty standards? It’s all becoming clearer.

Maybe it’s me, but the mere existence of sex workers seems to invalidate their whole M.O. (They’re making the personal decision NOT to pay for sex, therefore the onus is on them, not the whole of woman kind. Then again I haven’t read their charter.)

Who will feed Zeus and Apollo their steak?

He points to a soybean, “A few years fermenting, and I could marry it!”.

He’s the heir to the Mazzerato car fortune.

The shooter was a white ex-military man. If I had cable I’d watch Fox News tomorrow to see how they spin this. (I know, I know, Obama’s fault. But the Devil’s in the details.)

He makes me miss the “Block” feature from Disqus.

Pete Hammond couldn’t have said it better.

Ratner-”Munn’s story is true.”

Red Green would be the Clarence in this scenario?

Frank Underwood was within Reed Hastings all along.

Didn’t the man in that photo call himself the most physically fit President ever?

I’ve been referring to him as “Peachfuzz McMullet”.

Spoken like someone who’s never seen “The Powers of Matthew Star”.

Those tweets read like they were frantically hammered out while he listened to Feds yelling, “Open up, we have a warrant!”.

File it with “Obama’s Muslim takeover of America was contingent on his getting re-elected”.

I thought Milo was banished to the cornfield after saying something positive about pedophiles.

McInnes is the Poochie of the alt-right.

It rendered her a vegetable.