GG Tim Allin

Time to crank “I’m Gonna Be a Wheel Someday”.

Does the Tosche Station sell Old Harper?

It’s a bloodied, exhausted Neeson sharing a tiny bottle of amaretto with the last wolf alive.

It’s a telling glimpse into his psyche.

Perhaps someone should superimpose O’Reilly’s face on Martin Sheen in that “Imploring the heavens” speech from West Wing.

Correction, once all the awful shit began hurting the bottom line. His behavior has been public for years.

But you’ll miss the stinger of Martian Manhunter waiting by the phone.

Good enough for Ralphie’s bb gun essay.

ORIGINALLY they were doing a reboot with Magnum’s daughter. It appears now they’re just remaking the series from scratch.

“Otherwise tediously ordinary” Well, D’Angelo, you just might have summed up Butler’s career in three words.

The con-artist became the mark.

Boy, are you gonna love “Harvey Weinstein’s Back-Alley Beat Down” for Switch.

Is he not wearing his dentures in the header pic?

“You will love my resignation letter.”

The ratings will be spectacular! The BEST ratings!

A WELSH Corgi?!?! Why does O’Reilly hate American dogs?

He can wear a wetsuit.

Don’t you mean “Dark & Gritty Reboot”?

Cousin of Carlos.

“Hello, Roman? It’s Harv. This is a little awkward, but do you have a couch or futon I could crash on?”