It strikes me as intentionally provocative and extreme.
It strikes me as intentionally provocative and extreme.
Never get a single duck. It is bad for them as they are social creatures. You want at least three of the same sex or one male per five to eight females.
As a combo pet-work animal ducks are great. You have to be ready for the mess and to give them a safe environment. It can be a lot of work, but I spoil my girls.
Nice wataboutism.
PETA can fuck right off. They are a blight on the world.
Yes. They are still in their egg laying years. The girls have about 2-3 years left of laying. Then they will spend their twilight years picking weeds and eating bugs in the garden.
I’ll let the ducks drink out of my water glass or taste whatever I’m eating so long as it is duck safe.
You would be surprised how many things are being edited on laptops now. There are a lot of really powerful and affordable (under $5k) mobile workstations that can easily run avid or premiere without needing to use a proxy workflow for uhd.
If you really want to do your part, stop owning any non-working animals. Cats and dogs are a huge waste of resources and contribute to a lot of ecological damage. Not just their feed is a problem. You have the excess water usage, all the crap people buy for them, medical waste in treating them, and their feces that…
It sort of seems like this manufactured outrage is either being orchestrated in an attempt to create some kind of buzz around the film or as cover for it not performing well in either theaters or on HBO Max.
Little? They can get up to 30lbs and will still want to nap on your shoulders.
Gas station coffee seems to be hit or miss depending on where you are. In the NE area it is always questionable and almost always some Green Mountain swill.
If you want your house to smell like Fritos get a binturong*. Binturong pee contains 2-acetyl-1-pyrrolinewhich (2AP) gives them their corn chip/popcorn smell. Their urine always ends up on their feet and tail. They then leave that smell on whatever they climb on, including you. If they are comfortable with you they…
They could have made the core cast EPs and have them present in the writers’ room or at least giving notes throughout the process. It would have given the core cast a pay bump and addressed the representation issues.
Well some of the “handful of people” I know include individuals that do market research for Disney so I’m gonna go with what they’ve told me.
More impressive, the editing for the series was done on laptops and Sudeikis was involved in the process, at least according to the interview he did with Kathrine Hahn.
In the Heights had plenty of hype from the usual media outlets, but the trailers never really resonated with the broader audience. I think the trailer with Oprah, Hugh Jackman, Ariana Grande, and the Rock endorsing the movie did more harm than good. Audiences have been trained that if a commercial for a film has…
One of my feather-kittens loves blueberries. This weekend the first blueberries ripened in the girls’ aviary (first year the bush has fruited). She ate them. I come home from the store and find blue tinged duck poop near their duck door and assume my wife gave her some earlier that morning. I go out to their…
Hopefully we can get people to keep up with washing their hands and proper hygiene. Would also be nice to normalize people wearing a mask when they are sick or otherwise not feeling well.
The Time Keepers are totally being set up as a parallel to Loki and his desire to be in control. This whole episode was establishing how Loki will kill and intimidate to try and appear in control and believes things would be better with him running the show. He wants things to be better, but his narcissism gets in the…