Lord of the Ducks

It is homemade.

Now playing

Others apparently do not care for this abomination.

The Pokemon IP is owned by the Pokemon Company. The Pokemon Company is owned by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. Nintendo has about a 10% stake in Creatures. Nintendo does however own a number of the trademarks and copyrights for Pokemon. But it isn’t fully Nintendo’s call on Pokemon. I also believe Game Freak was

R.O.B. could work because the core concept -a robot that plays video games- is a great blank slate. Hell, the robot could easily be Nintendo’s version of T.O.M. from Toonami, anchoring entire blocks of Nintendo animated content.

When they do Secret Wars they are gonna reboot the MCU, so odds are they will try to bring in as many fan favorites as possible for one final send-off.

The whole trip and the introduction of the Red Daggers should all have been season 2, maybe season 3.

You can do a lot with fixed budget if you are smart with your story and you keep the budget in mind. The show had far more characters and locations/sets than it really needed.

The show needed someone to come in to fix the scripts and keep the creatives in check. They just jump around from idea to idea like someone with ADHD, occasionally hyperfocusing on a story element before abandoning it for the next shiny thing.

It doesn’t need more episodes, it needed someone to come in and focus the story.

Marvel really needs to get some good script doctors in to clean up the shows. All of them could have used one or two more passes before production. Ms. Marvel really needed another pass at the script to tighten up not just individual episodes, but the series as a whole.

There are some fruits you can grow in pots or indoors.

There are some varieties that will grow well in containers and don’t need a ton of light or can even be grown indoors.

Grow your own. It is fairly easy, just have to plan a few years ahead.

Don’t buy Manuka Honey unless you really need it for medical purposes. The price doesn’t need to be driven up because of trendy foodies.

SNL’s producers are not exactly known for making the best decisions. Plus, she and her team likely underestimated the stress of doing the show. She was likely doing fine all week, then the fatigue hit.

Selena did great given her health. She has Lupus which can be quite draining. Stress and the medications to treat her condition can cause a lot of fatigue.

The naturally occurring stuff is KHCO2 and what was originally sold as Saleratus. Now-a-days the Saleratus in stores is usually sodium bicarobnate.

Oh it also looks like Good Sam just got the axe along with Magnum P.I. and How We Roll.

CW ratings may not be profitable. It looks like CW just canceled: Naomi, 4400, Dynasty, Charmed, Roswell: New Mexico, and In the Dark.

Looks like B Positive was canceled too.