
I truly wish that police had shown up from the start. But, unfortunately, I imagine the rallies would have been slightly smaller in some areas. (Note: I’m not saying all cops are racist. But I’m sure there’s plenty.)

No ones safe in their eyes, no matter the race, religion, or any of that. I, personally, have been called all sorts of crap in the name of this bullshit.

He saved Hillary’s E-mails and Obama for later this week when we find something even more batshit insane.

Starcraft 2 came a long way down the line. Do I love it as much as the original? No. Was it fun for me? Yes.

Welp. I hit my limit. I’m not buying any games on Steam from this point forward. We can’t even get definitive news on Half-Life 3. I don’t even want them to announce it’s coming out or anything - just fucking TELL US it’s never going happen or it’s being worked on in SOME KIND of capacity. This is ridiculous on so

I’ll admit I’m against permadeath being forced on you for a game - I’m terrible at a lot of these I’ll be the first to admit - that said, I don’t mind so much it being an option on hard mode or something similar.

Sigh. I wish people I knew would be able to actually discuss this idiot.

I’ve tried repeatedly to play DOTA 2. It looks fun. But I can’t get into it. I’m horrible.

Someone needs to bring a football and a tire to Trump’s next outing and ask him to ‘throw dead spiral through the tire’ at more than 20 feet.

Wow. Just. Wow.

xD I still have most of it memorized. Drives the kids totally nuts. I’ll randomly look at ‘em and go “What’s gonna work?!”

He had to stand his ground, right?

Same on the kid shows, lol. I loved Wonderpets. My nephews are 11 and 12.

Lawl. I’ve got a few I’ve stolen. That I don’t recall where from though. Feel free =) It’s one of my faves lol.

This kid needs slapped upside the head until some sense manages to rattle in.

I’ll be honest. If my kid was watching that trash, they’d stop or we’d no longer have televisions in the home. End of story. Some shit I won’t tolerate and that little chucklefuck is now at the top of the list.

This is kinda related but not a show recommendation: Myanimelist.net is great for keeping track of what you’ve seen. And it’s free.

I have to admit - I’d watch that trainwreck.

It’s common practice to have your seat held. By a senior official. Not the daughter he’d end up with if this was a fucked up Romcom. He really weirds me the fuck out with his relationship with her.

I’ll be honest... I think Greyhounds look like Alien dogs. That said, they’re very lovable. If you do like rescuing old racing Greyhounds, check out the Galgos - the spanish version of the breed. They are VERY mistreated (After hunting season, thousands of them are killed in very humane ways or left to starve. Often