
I unfortunately know several people who still say ‘Well, it’s better than Hillary.’ No matter what that crazy bastard does.

*Any person’s word on intimate partner violence.

I’d totally fanboy out if I ran into Paul McCartney. If I ran into Johnny Depp(And recognized him) I’d probably just give him a ‘sup. Pirates 1 rocked.)

I disagree with always better. I don’t like reading the Fairy Tail manga, for whatever reason, but I’ve seen the entirety of the anime.

I’m one of the ones constantly pissed about an ignore desire for a Chrono Trigger remake. But I’d also be completely head over heels happy if they would do a sequel.(I’m fully aware of and enjoyed Chrono Cross, but I count that as more of an in-universe game.)

Just break them of it. If you have someone you know likes to do that, just take and remove all photos but that one, and then add a copy of Blue Waffle to both sides of it.

You should get a card with translations for Nut Allergy. (Or whatever similar statement) Since it’s a life-threatening issue, you might feel better if you have a translated copy of it you can just show people. You can’t mispronounce it if they can read it.

Personally, I’d had to have attended JUST so I could walk out. It’s more of a ‘fuck off’ than not showing up. After all, they could assume you got sick.

It’s not that they don’t understand. But a lot of the folks think if they willfully pretend ignorance, they can come off as less of a complete fuckhead. I’m only assuming this from personal conversations, though. There’s a misogynist at my work who I love to annoy about things he thinks are ‘facts’. Fucking hate

My problem is I live in Indiana. And Pence is a piece of shit. The only world I’d be happy with is Trump staying the hell out of office and Pence being locked the fuck down for four years, and we get a decent canidate next time.

In my dream world, Trump would resign or be impeached, and EVERY political person in the country shuts down ANYTHING Pence tries to do. Any legislation, anything. If they were ALL dead set against the president they could do a lot.

No.. you get healthcare. It’s not their fault you can’t afford it.

It’s not white people that are the issue here. And I doubt this had anything to with race - I’m thinking it was just an idiot adult who went into a VERY wrong profession. They’re stupid and they have no business working with children.

If they cared about the animals they wouldn’t be in the Cargo hold. They could make a pet area with limited spots in a far more humane location.

White, Rich, and on their side*

Do you know what the hardest thing about retail is? Idiot customers such as yourself.

If you’re into classic RTS, do it. I cannot recommend it enough.

My Fila goes nuts when we baby talk him. He looooves it.

I wish my co-workers wouldn’t respond. Half the time they just rant about Liberals, or bitch about Hillary being evil if I try to point anything out. Reasoning is overrated I guess.

When my aunt got married to my uncle(He’s from a family of crazies) he and his parents flipped their shit because my aunt went ‘unescorted’ to my Grandmother’s house. Y’know. Where he mother and father and younger siblings lived.