That could actually get you fired some places. Where I work, for example, you’re required by policy to take it to the nearest higher up for -them- to call the police.
That could actually get you fired some places. Where I work, for example, you’re required by policy to take it to the nearest higher up for -them- to call the police.
Yeah. Being an asshole means you get what you deserve, right? So if you’re speeding(Going 36 in a 35) you’re thereby breaking the law and being an asshole. So if someone runs a red light and puts you in the hospital, you simply got what you deserved. After all, if you’d been going 35 you’d probably not have been where…
He lives in America. Like it or not he’s probably entitled. And I agree, the cop was the major slowup. After all, they SHOULD ignore people illegally cutting off folks and crossing lines where and when they’re not allowed. After all, just because you didn’t cause an accident the first dozen times means it’s perfectly…
Pretty sure you’re supposed to merge a little bit before that white line. You know damn well he was jumping the line because he’s an impatient entitled prick.
It’s not a cat story; but my dogs once saved us from dying in our sleep(Probably from an explosion)
Seen a few guys shave/trim their face(Which I find weird to do at the gym instead of at home) but never anyone dying hair.
Even if you pick up every towel there when you’re there, there will be a big mess later.
I have a friend who won’t believe anything bad about Trump because he truly hates Obama and Clinton. There is no reason there. Which is a shame, because other than that huge blind spot, he’s a smart dude.
.....Or children...
Respect is earned, not attached to a title. If I met him, I’d be polite. But by no means would I not call him on his bullshit.
So.. if he arrested you for calling on someone for laying hands on your child, and charging you with false charges.... You’d be cool with a 10 day suspension?
I don’t think President Dumb Dumb or his minions will willingly leave office from an impeachment. You’d have to get a stun gun to remove him.
Yeah. They pulled the old site not long ago, and it had a regular 404 screen. The Reboot themed one is a recent change. Checkout if you want any updates. There’s no real information now, but they keep up on it pretty well from what I’ve seen.
.... They’re still working on it. Last I heard it has only a marginal relationship to the old show. It makes me think of Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad.
I think she robbed an alternate reality version of Wonder Woman.
The thing about ‘men getting raped at a higher percentage’ is I doubt there’s any real accurate numbers on how often it happens. Unless it’s a man forcing himself on another man, I guarantee you plenty of people will say it was consensual. I’ve heard it firsthand from people that you
‘can’t rape guys because they…
The problem wasn’t Obama, or his endorsement. The problem was Hilary. Those fucking e-mails, and statements she’s made in the past. The fact that she’s a woman.
I’d love for everyone to ONLY ask about Half-Life 3 for one of these. I realize he’d not really give an answer, but it would amuse the hell out of me.
There’s a guy at my work that when anything goes bad in the US. ANYTHING. It’s Obama’s fault. He even blamed a few of the food recalls on him, as well as that huge outbreak of turkeys/chickens getting sick last(? or the year before?) year.
He’s just trying to emulate the president elect. It’s not like that crazy bastard would go and grab someone by the - nevermind. Let’s go have lunch!