
You've never seen a chicken-cow?? Actually, I was merely making a statement about the dairy farm as a whole. Not just the chickens.

Dude. You probably have a better chance of survival with the sharks than in that pit.

As just a wee tyke, my family lived near a dairy farm where we would get our eggs. This is the kind of place that delivers their goods. You know? The milk man? The white milk truck? Yes. We had a tin box on our doorstep and had glass milk bottles with cardboard and foil caps delivered once or twice a week. It was

I chose a replacement organ. Crohn's disease sucks. I need a new colon.

So... infrared goggles and lock picks are weapons now? Huh. Imagine that.

That's awesome.

Immediately scrolled down to find this. Nice work.

They don't call Vegas "Satan's Anus" for nothing...

Just what do you mean by, "you people?"

Did anyone else say "McBurger King" in their head?

Ok. Good deal. Now let's see some Cars 2 music put to Prometheus.

What the HECK is wrong with that foot?!? Is it clubbed? Elephantitis? Is the model "The Thing?"

...and why is there no video of a shanked exploder?

Anyone else going to be really disappointed with Total Recall if they don't bring back the woman with the three...ahem...well...you know...?

Not grinning so much as slack jawed and mesmerized.

I saw Tom Brady.

If anybody needs me, I'll be on the fetish sites looking for my "Gas/electric/phone Bitch."

Those are all the wonderful people who were banned from commenting on the official site. I honestly have no idea why...

Vids or it didn't happen.

Challenge: accepted. What do I win?