Exactly what movies do they get 28 days earlier? It must only be some studios because in the last month or so a coworker has gotten Iron Man 2 and The Last Airbender on the Tuesday they came out from Redbox.
Exactly what movies do they get 28 days earlier? It must only be some studios because in the last month or so a coworker has gotten Iron Man 2 and The Last Airbender on the Tuesday they came out from Redbox.
Just ironing out the bugs Rosa, everything will be ship shape for the public release around white iPhone time.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: It stands for "Re-Tweet", which is essentially when you parrot something that someone else said.
@Coreboy: Sort of an apples an oranges comparison, don't you think? I'll admit it was almost 15 years ago that I took my license test but I don't remember anyone from the DMV being allowed to touch my junk.
I don't understand what the big deal about the Beatles in iTunes is, honestly it feels like they already missed that boat. It's almost 2011, are there really THAT MANY people who love the Beatles and really want them on their iPod but don't have them there yet? I understand that there are some Beatle nuts who will…
Dude, use your coupons. If they don't want to feel slighted they can choose not to advertise and do deals with Groupon, it's that simple. I understand what you're saying but there's no fine print that says it's for new customers only. I get the same sort of coupons from restaurant.com from time to time and I always…
Phones with cameras have distorted just about everything, people are more concerned with taking crappy pics or videos of something than really watching and experiencing it. In April my girlfriend and I were standing on the beach in Punta Cana at night watching an insane fire juggling show and she was too busy trying…
Noooooo, that's ignorant, you're being ignorant!
My immediate thought when I saw this on the main page was "OMG was
@Brownski: I'm not a hacker but I have a basic understanding...in order to downgrade the baseband you need an exploit in the bootloader which is one of the lowest levels and hardest to exploit in the iPhone boot process. The only phones that have such an exploit are the original iPhone and some very early model 3G…
@iphonewhisperer: Well, everyone is pre-screened so they can sign the consent forms but they don't know they're about to film a game show in a cab at that minute. They usually think they're on the way to meet with someone about a future appearance on a nondescript show.
@stereobot: OK so I tried pornhub and redtube, it works with both but there are a couple things to note:
NightCamera for iOS doesn't even get a mention? It's been my go-to camera app for over 2 years now. I'm not sure how the others implement their "anti-shake" but this one has an option for a delay from the time you hit the shutter until the camera is still. So if you hit the shutter and keep wobbling the phone…
Jeez, have those poor people ever SEEN the sun?
@Phlashman: That's apples and oranges and you know it. If you steal a Ferrari it's gone and they can't sell it to anyone else, you literally took the value of the car from them. If you download a movie you weren't going to buy anyway you haven't physically taken a thing from them.
I hate the whole "every time anyone downloads _______ it hurts EVERYONE INVOLVED" argument. I didn't download Batman XXX but I can promise you that there's no way I was BUYING it anyway, so even if I had downloaded it it didn't result in a loss of even a dime of revenue. Of course, there are cases where the person…
@EvanSei lets boogaloo!: Yep, price of Happy Meal minus toy goes down $1. Toy is $1 optional add-on that you're buying instead of being given. Problem solved.
"How quickly the world owes this man something that he only found out existed 5 seconds ago."
@JuneBeatle80: I have a Mexican Coke sitting in front of me on my desk right now, you can get them at most Hispanic food stores in the US. I bought a 6-pack (still in glass bottles), drank 5 and kept the last one unopened. To me it just tastes like flat American Coke.
@videobeagle: Ah, thanks, I've never never of OPlater but I'll check it out. 99% of the time I'm just playing the normal divx/xvid format that "stuff on the internet" comes in and CineXPlayer is rock solid with those. VLC wasn't bad but there was some intermittent stuttering and sync issues when playing the same…