Shows as Free for me on the main search results screen, then it says Buy and $2.99 on the next screen. Not worth risking it to me considering Apple's non-existant return policy on Apps, thanks anyway.
Shows as Free for me on the main search results screen, then it says Buy and $2.99 on the next screen. Not worth risking it to me considering Apple's non-existant return policy on Apps, thanks anyway.
They'll sell you the same show for $1.99 in iTunes and it's yours to keep forever, watch it as many times as you like for as long as you like. So how is renting it for a limited time and limited number of viewings for 99 cents going to devalue anything?
"A glass of the full-strength wine tasted hot, dense, jammy and a little sulfurous, while the diluted version was lighter all around but still full of flavor, tarter, more fruity than jammy, and less sulfurous."
@blash: I saw something on this on TV not long ago...basically they make fake cards made with the stolen information (very easy) and then they have people (I forget what they call them but there's a name for them) go into stores and buy a bunch of expensive crap...purses, clothes, shoes, etc. Then they resell that…
@LetsTryThisAgain: What's the deal with BattleToads anyway? I played it once, then I analyzed the game mechanics, deduced that it would be made into a meme 15 years later on something called "the internet" and sat my NES controller down.
To answer the question as asked, no way...I have an iPhone 4 and love it.
"Or maybe not so funny if you had to be removed from your vehilce with the jaws of life because some pigskin jockey in a free übersedan mistook your minivan for Dan Koppen's backside."
@junior ghoul: It's both, the 360 uses it to identify legit drives but the HDSS.bin file also contains unique information that they *COULD* choose to look for and ban on Live with. There are several leaked HDSS.bin files that many many many people are using now so that would stick out like a sore thumb and be very…
@junior ghoul: It's not a software difference, it's hardware. The official Microsoft drives have a special security sector in the firmware that differs from normal drives and that's what the 360 uses to identify it. It's been possible for a long time to buy specific models of Western Digital laptop drives (that…
@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: That's true, but no one (outside of Chronic and the Dev Team) even knows if it's going to be tethered or not. If it's tethered it's no use to me, I can't have my phone choose to lock up and then be a paperweight until I get near a computer again. That's fine for iPods but not for phones.
It definitely seems like Apple's strategy against jailbreaks is shifting. There used to be 1 major update (such us 4.0 to 4.1) per year, maybe 2. Now, probably because they know that the Dev Team tends to sit on things and not release when another major release is on the horizon, they seem to be letting us know…
I don't get it...if you get stuck just go to Youtube and cheat like the rest of us, there's no need for an in-app purchase just to get to the next level.
@Dizznizzle: That has nothing to do with the game, you're obviously loading a cracked version and it's an ARM6 vs. ARM7 issue. Look on any of the forums for that type of stuff and there are millions of posts on it.
Count me as one who saw it and wasn't impressed at all. It was a high-end Sony setup at Best Buy and they had a Blu-ray of the college football championship game from last year that was filmed in 3D. First of all, the Sony glasses weigh a ton, I was tired of having them on my face after no more than 10 minutes of…
I love that she's not wearing anything that would be deemed "appropriate" for a serious journalist in even one of those pictures. Dress like a whore and stroll through an NFL locker room and there are going to be some catcalls, this is news to her? If you want to be considered a real journalist then dress like it,…
In Soviet Russia, etc etc...