lord gloom

now that I think about it, blaming Powell (I can imagine her thinking she hasn’t cut short a potential future career trajectory, his public service days are behind him so he’s fair game as fodder) is an awful lot like Daisy Buchanan willing to claim Gatsby was at the wheel.

it’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it. i’m sure people like Bobby Jindal see what they do as harm reduction- their state populace has a mentality that is what it is, and has to be pandered to for any work to get done.

she was willing to basically sell a recommendation letter for a rich associate’s child. i think that’s a good indication of how much her word is worth.

you know, i could buy the idea that superpredator wasn’t intentionally malicious, given that many people from black communities were initially in support of it, because the perceived severity of violent crime at the time. apparently inner city crime rates peaked in the mid 90s and had been steadily getting worse over

one of the issues that would prevent a third party from routing the GOP is that the Republican voter base is mainly comprised of feudal-style True Believers, salt of the earth families whose attitudes largely pass unchanged from generation to generation.

Theoretically, they should be able to do what the Tories in the UK managed to, except by forming a new party rather than letting the uneducated mobs spin off on their own- unambigiously embrace ethnic minorities and LGBT demographics while couching the acceptance rhetoric with platitudes to “meritocracy”, to shift the

Does he need to be?

She’s got that manic George W. look

So Betty and Jughead are hipsters, while Archie is emo. Is this going to feature The Archies with synths and drum machines?

Man who even wants an Xbox One? it’s as uniformly avoided among people I know as the PS3 was in its earliest days when it was overpriced and lacked software. But after Microsoft basically shat on everyone’s plates with the Xbox 360’s build quality and the lack of interesting exclusive titles on their new console, I

More people would buy his platform, and more developers would be able to easily release games for it. Simplicity and product accessibility.

Seinfeld the TV show is all Larry David. Jerry was just the delivery man.

The Daily Show and Colbert Report had more edge when the Bush presidency created a reality that was more bizarre than fiction. Not only were they Republicans, but exceptionally corrupt and incompetent, even compared to their party’s predecessors in power.

order chicken or pork knuckle or literally anything other than steak for your main course.

yeah shenmue fans mailed thousands of capsule toys to sega. kickstarter and #saveshenmue isn’t the community’s first campaign.

The thing I don’t get about current day Shenmue haters is, ok, you’re not into it, but it’s been 15 years since its fanbase were stood up without a sequel, and they’re still into it, so why would you want to publicly disparage the project’s fundraising? Why not focus on projects that actually are disingenuously

I wish they’d just make another single player Knights of The Old Republic. Those were among the best Star Wars games. If BioWare is busy with its own i.p’s, they could license out their Mass Effect/Dragon Age engine to someone competent.

You kind of can in Skyrim though.

Man I would totally play a game with graphics exactly like these paintings, except with motion.

Eh, one guy’s tweet isn’t going to sink a game. Let him have his fun.