lord gloom

oh they definitely directly interfere in people’s day to day lives. internet censorship, brainwashing, unfair admissions procedures to universities, unequal social prospects for people that aren’t from Shanghai, Beijing or a similarly sized city, and restrictions on the practice of religion that go as far as banning a

considering that Apu on the Simpsons (and making fun of Indian accents in general) still isn’t considered offensive, it’s hardly surprising that a (probably drunk) edgy white comedian would’ve done this 10+ years ago

considering that Apu on the Simpsons (and making fun of Indian accents in general) still isn’t considered offensive, it’s hardly surprising that a (probably drunk) edgy white comedian would’ve done this 10+ years ago

Jurassic World was shit. it’s hard for a sci-fi series about genetically engineered dinosaurs rampaging in modern day settings to jump the shark and that film managed to do it. like the point of the series is what if there were actual dinosaurs. it’s whole reason for existing was that it wasn’t Godzilla or King Kong,

the teaser was pretty much meant to show off the environments, and if you watch it at 0.5 x speed and focus on the details, and if you appreciated the kind of impressionistic realism the first 2 games excelled at it’s very exciting to see these settings.

my previous phone was a Z5. I still want to get it fixed and get a battery replacement because i’m using a buget LG phone with a crappy camera at the moment, but if Sony is outight committing itself to bezels, and if they still make batteries that have above average capacity at the time they’re released but drain

eh they had a few interesting design ideas, which in the long run is easier to look back fondly on than creative’s mp3 players, but yeah as a device to actually buy and use the shuffle and nano were bullshit, like most other Apple devices other than the iPhone and iPad.

Sansa’s speaking voice is still the least convincing in a show that no longer even slightly bothers with making its dialog feel authentic.

Sand Sisters and Euron seem like they were imported from a campy 80s straight to video film. Really pretty jarring.

all around gross out episode. they were going for viral

i think it’s hard to say how much stronger the series’ sales and literary reputation would’ve been if it were actually completed within 3 decades.

sure, but it’s annoying. if you can’t finish your work in 3 decades, accept that some people won’t want to lick your boots and sing your praises.

planning to watch ASAP, trying to avoid trailers reviews and all that, i like Nolan as much as any red blooded earthling that hasn’t been to the theaters since Interstellar (ok I did go watch force awakens)

this will definitely be the national sport of America 50 years from now

you bought nintendo stock but didn’t hold onto it for the switch launch and potential sales window?

i’m only interested in the super famicom, which is what i had when i was a kid and i think is objectively better in every way, unless you insist on thin

“people pay 5 dollars for bottled water man, they can pay for our shit”-

do gifs have potential?

sure i mean that’s fair, but would you grant that it’s fair if the criticism is directed at the fact that the media is saturated with this franchise? I mean you can’t have it both ways where you work at a pace that doesn’t take anyone else into consideration but agree for that work to be aggressively and repetitively

i don’t know man, starting a story in the 90s and not finishing 2 decades later is actually wasting people’s time.