I understood your point. The "???" was more of an agreeing "da fuq??".
I understood your point. The "???" was more of an agreeing "da fuq??".
1. I think Raven came along because she wanted to and Clarke felt guilty.
2. ???
3. Harper is being killed, just rather slowly. They said it would take multiple procedures. If they killed her the first time the marrow would all go bad.
Might you be thinking of "lampshading"?
By age 44, I'd been disappointed in plenty of movies; this one left me literally angry with rage.
Thanks. And I agree about 'When She Loved Me'* as well (I don't know many who don't go Niagara Falls with that one). But my absolute favorite movie song is 'I'm Going to Go Back There Someday" (I don't however begrudge The Rainbow Connection it's Oscar, I just don't love it as much.) Mrs. Lord Gaga and I had our…
Funny you bring up 'A Kiss at the End of the Rainbow', I'm still steamed about that one. Never mind that it was a simple, beautiful song performed in a live setting during one of the film's most poignant moments. And never mind that three other nominated songs (Belleville Rendez-Vous and two songs from Cold Mountain)…
You're not the only one. Three times for me, I could never make it past the first disc.
The voice work has a lot to do with it. A good voice actor can bring life to anything. But there's more with the Muppets. As limited as their physical and facial expressions are, they make excellent use of them. I think it was this movie - where they played other characters in the film but appeared in promotions as…
My World and Welcome to It
You forgot Boston Legal. I never will.
They say that cat's shaft is a bad mother…
I loved this episode, but you should burn your keyboard and never type that portmanteau again.
One… two… five.
The tree that Kane planted was the one his mother nurtured with her flock. He'd left the religion behind, but it meant a lot to her. Not just "a tree".
I'm hoping Anya is only mostly dead and Clarke can convince Abby she's worth saving (over the expected objections from the BSO).
Camp Jaha is being built at the Alpha Station crash site. It was Mecha station that crashed in a lake IIRC.
I started wearing them because of Mike Nesmith.
Cartoon Cartoon!
I saw her back in the 90s, at the Hollywood Palladium. It's not exactly an intimate venue, so when I saw some front row seats still available I grabbed them. I was disappointed that they were way off to the right until the show. The way her piano was situated, it was like she was singing to me. It an incredibly…
We NEED the funk. Gotta have the funk!