I have a bendable Rocky figure who's travelled on my motorcycle with me throughout the American Southwest.
I have a bendable Rocky figure who's travelled on my motorcycle with me throughout the American Southwest.
Actually, that would be a full house.
Combine these ideas, turn the Oval Office set around, and just have a oversized actor in a bathrobe and a fright wig talk in the Peanuts adult voice to a procession of minions.
Born four days before me, since I first discovered him in the 80s Billy has always seemed to speak to exactly where I was in my own life, personally and politically. I fought Reagan while he was fighting Thatcher, I came out to 'Sexuality', the nostalgic sadness for the lost dreams of childhood in 'The Space Race is…
I just finished the first season on Netflix, so this is great timing. And I'm loving the show.
He likes Farage.
I have XM because I live in an area where the terrestrial stations fade in and out driving though canyons and such, and this will air during my evening commute. Needless to say, I'm happy (but I needed to say it anyway).
And Stan Freberg: Stretching the Imagination - https://youtu.be/ppZ57EeX6vE
Some good choices. I think I'll watch The Jerk this Friday. The movie, I mean.
And reminds us that there are still Goldwater Republicans out there.
My wife and I are both addictive gamers, but I mostly play immersive open world RPGs and Mrs. Lord Gaga favors casuals. Diablo & Diablo II: LOD to this day remain the only games we've ever been able to play together, logging probably thousands of hours in that tiny point of overlap between our gaming worlds. I love…
The sequel to Diable.
Same in Colorado. The first time I flew into Aspen after moving here I thought "Parking lot has 1/3 trucks & SUVs, 1/3 Subarus, 1/3 Audis, I'm home.
I much preferred the last remake of Beau Geste.
Skirt, Ponytail, Haircut, I'm looking forward to more Micknames.
Looks like Livewire got grounded! I'll be here all week!