LordFancypantsicus, Bilious Baron of Britches

I scrolled down hoping I'd see this comment.

How exactly does the deterrence layer deter? Are these satellites armed?

That hadn’t occurred to me, but now that you say it, holy shit!


Haven't heard a poopknife reference in a while!

Ha, the coward took it down.

That’s partly why I’m suggesting using FDA protocols as the model, but leaving the enforcement under the DEA.

So, I don’t know about the nonprofit part. That seems to be the most questionable part of this to me. But I do believe proper regulation—intensive, thorough regulation—will cut down on the bootleg cartridge market a lot more than prohibition. Establish the same kind of protocols via the DEA that the FDA has for meat

Gods bless you and the incredibly important work you are doing. I don’t say this often, but I mean it sincerely--thank you for your service. Thank you for helping those without a voice.

Kahele no ka oi!

Heaven forbid the rich be reminded that the rest of us exist.

It’s about what universities currently pay adjunct professors.

Planet-sized mass? How can that be enough mass to create a black hole? I thought it took way more mass than that.

I'm no political scientologist, but I talked to a guy who OWNS A BRIEFCASE and he said all of this could have TOTALLY HAPPENED.

Goddamn Cult of Kosmos.

Interesting to see that you are a disgusting piece of shit. What exactly makes these people “surplus” as opposed to, say, your racist ass?

If you asked the average “unborn victim” of abortion their opinion, they wouldn’t think or say shit because they are a tiny, non sentient cluster of cells.


Did you dislocate your shoulder? Because it feels like you're really reaching to make this the therapists' fault.

I work in lower level call center ”leadership” in a very, very large company and I can confirm this will never happen without some very robust government intervention.