Jason C.

Precisely. And the nice thing about Miitomo was its social aspect. It still had the charm of Tomodachi Collection, but it was unique in that it helped people to learn more about their friends and be more expressive themselves. Although many of the questions were silly, some times they were indirectly deep and helped

That’s where I’m surprised. It did make a decent amount of money initially, but they seemingly gave up on the idea prematurely. Miitomo didn’t receive its first decent update until WAY after release, and by that time, most people had moved on. If they had casual kept updating it, keeping it fresh, it could have lasted

This one is actually quite confusing to me. Nintendo and DeNA kind of dropped the ball with this one, because honestly, this is the Nintendo app I enjoyed the most upon its launch. It was so silly, so fun, and a great new way to interact with family and friends.

They really are. haha

You are correct. I am quite comfortable speaking, but I’ve also witnessed people who have surprised me. One of my co-workers just went on a rant on day about equality, and it was POWERFUL. She was very concise and emotional, and it was just so easy to connect with her. She is actually terrified to speak in public, so

Very true, also, but this very much depends on the presentation. If it is a musical or theatrical performance, then memorization is necessary. For actors, it gives them a lack of flexibility, which is both a good and a bad thing.

100% true, but in regards to helping someone become more confident in their speaking in public ability, some times speaking from the heart can build confidence.

This is only true to a degree. Some of my best speeches came from impulse and from the heart. I’m not disagreeing with you necessarily, but when people can share openly and vulnerably, it can be much more impacting than a well-prepared speech.

As someone who speaks and presents a lot publicly, I can’t agree with this enough. One thing that is more powerful than simply storytelling is sharing a difficulty from your life. Tragedy communicates very loudly to your audience, so when you share remedies and potential victories out of those tragedies, it can make

I said the same thing, but 30 year bottle is something special. ¥37,000 for such an aged drink is actually not a bad price.

He’s not a professional writer, nor is he most-likely a professional communicator. Judging how he communicates when that’s not his gifting is a bit rude, especially when in his description he described exactly what he did and currently does.

No. You shut up. Did you just decide to read that one line before becoming a judgmental asshat? Or did you actually read the whole letter to understand why he even said that? Sheesh.

For me, ARMS was the sleeper-hit of 2017. I got it just to have another Nintendo exclusive on my recently purchased Switch. I played it a decent amount before other things came out, and then put it away.

I usually have two times of year where I just blast through games on my backlog, when I have a 2 week break in August and a 2 week break end of December and beginning of January (Christmas + New Years). I goaled for 10 games this Winter before starting work tomorrow, and I have been plowing through some. Here’s my

And because of this, the joy of Breath of the Wild is not found in slaying dragons. It is being reminded, through a strange, ribbon-like figure sailing around the sky, that dragons exist to begin with.

Well, with my name also being Jason, I find it quite interesting that my list looks a bit too familiar to yours, Mr Shreier.

Oh, I can see how that’s a great idea! Sadly, I like to seclude myself during this break. haha. Just time with my wife and kids, and time for myself. If you do recommend that way, I might wait until later to play Until Dawn and do it with friends.

I’ve had a pretty good year playing games, and I do feel like I’ve cleared a decent amount despite my busy work year. However, I’m officially on holiday after today is finished, and my goal is to clear through a chunk of my backlog. I cleared the Zelda DLC the other day, so here are the couple games I want to start

Famima is the shit, isn’t it?! haha

Amusingly, my wife and I boycotted the notion of eating KFC for Christmas the first many years we lived here. We just thought the idea was silly and couldn’t get behind it. However, 3 years ago, we just decided “To hell with it!” and went to KFC on Christmas Day. Boy o’ boy, were we surprised by the line out the door.