Jason C.

Brawlout just lacks a lot. It’s cool that The Drifter and Juan make appearances, but other than them, the rest of the roster is BORING. A lot of them are just straight up clones from the real Smash Bros. You can even do side-by-side comparisons with Sheik and one of the Brawlout characters (Forgot the name) and see

Spoiler Alert! There are many bosses. It’s a Zelda game. Duh.

You do realize not once but twice I said you can do most stuff in a private session. I’m aware that the CEO and hangar stuff can’t be done in private sessions, but you can still do just about everything in a private session outside of those newer activities.

I said “most” of the stuff. haha. I know the CEO things need to be in Public sessions, but heists, activities, crew missions, and numerous other things can be done from private sessions. For those like me who hate being surrounded by tons of a-holes, hackers, or 4-year-olds, private sessions with friends is the way to

Yeah. It’s actually a bit annoying to set up, but once you figure it out, it’s totally worth it. Just free-for-all fun with friends (Or alone). haha.

You know you can enjoy most of the online stuff by yourself, right? You can just create a private game or a “Crew Only” game, and then just enjoy the city in all its glory without the pain of hackers and such. That’s how I mostly play, and I love it. My “crew” is just me and two other people, so we’ll just get

No. If you look at her other videos, you can see she is monitored by different record companies recording her feats. She actually has to keep it down, just like any other competitive eater worldwide.

No doubt about that. hahaha

Hahaha. You are exactly whom I’m referring to when I get baffled by those who think all bodies are the same. You still assume she is like every other person out there and apparently don’t believe that she’s just an amazing human being with “super powers” of sorts.

Precisely. There are a ton of factors in play, but people easily assume that all people and all bodies react and act the same way. It’s just insane to have such a narrow thinking.

As I said at the beginning of my comment, I was the head trainer for 2 Gold’s Gyms and a YMCA for a span of over 10 years. I have seen incredible things from certain people I trained, but I did mostly work with average people. Some people took very little effort to help lose weight and build muscle mass, and some

Agreed. Platinum is such an underrated company. You can tell they put so much love and effort into bringing a fun gaming experience with their titles, and I respect that.

But since they weren’t involved with the development or release, they won’t be getting any cuts from the game. That’s how it worked with Bayonetta 2 as well. With 2, SEGA was getting a small cut of the profits because Bayonetta 1 was included. Since Nintendo financed the Bayo 2, they only had to pay SEGA a one-time

Agreed, but Bayo 1 still holds a strong place in my heart. For a new IP at the time, it was truly brilliant. As you said, though, Bayo 2 just took all of that momentum and moved forward guns blazing. It’s a fantastic game, and I cannot wait for Bayonetta 3!

Agreed. But I think the major difference here is that Bayonetta was not only a highly rated game by the critics, the first game was also a major commercial success, selling well over 2 million units NEW IP. If that didn’t communicate enough to SEGA, I don’t know what will.

He was so wise beyond his years back then. I can’t even begin to imagine how wise the Sir is now.

I just... I... umm... whaaaaaaaaaat?

Announcing Bayonetta 3 just proves that Nintendo believes in the franchise, so screw SEGA for wanting to give up. I don’t care if it is exclusive. We have to remember that Bayonetta 2 wouldn’t have even existed if it wasn’t for Nintendo, and you better believe that Bayonetta 3 is a reality because of Nintendo again.

But you can’t see him. How did Ford know?

I’m a huge comic fan, and I am pumped for this! Maybe I’m just the minority. haha. But I love when DC and Marvel, especially, take risks and try weird things. This Batman Ninja is far out to left field that it has my interests peaked. I can’t wait to check it out! Especially with all of the big names working on it.