Jason C.

Well, to Nintendo’s credit, that’s a Square-Enix franchise. ;)

I understand your point, but we will always have the original. I still long for the never-released N64 Mother game. What would that have been like? What would a 2017/18 Mother game look like? In that sense, I actually would like to see a new Mother game (Or even a remake of Mother 2) just to see what it could look

I’m actually a bit happy that the Virtual Console isn’t out yet, because there is WAY too much to play as it is. I think Nintendo was wise to wait until after the launch of the SNES Mini so that it can get great sales. The Virtual Console is most definitely coming, but I think the Switch is doing just fine in the

Mother 3 is such a good game. I’m sad it hasn’t left Japan, but I’m thankful I live here. Nintendo does seriously need to revive this franchise, as the Virtual Console sales on both the 3DS and Wii U were insanely high. It’s not just nostalgic. It really is a stellar RPG and has aged tremendously (Outside of Mother 1,

I’ve already bought Earthbound more times than I can count. It’s without a doubt my favorite RPG, and I can’t help but fall in love with it all over again every time I play it.

The Switch has only been out for 7 months, not even a full year yet. But it has had an INCREDIBLE 7 months. Let me give you the raw numbers:

I think that’s the day my heart would stop. haha. Nintendo just out of the blue releasing Earthbound HD in the same way Square is doing FF7. It would be one of the most insane shocks in video game history!

Or... maybe Nintendo didn’t include it because they are REMAKING it in HD for Switch!

I said this to the OP, and I’ll say it again to you. Doesn’t have much to offer to early adopters? Again, Zelda, Mario Kart DX, and Splatoon 2 all are launch window games, and those are all MAJOR Nintendo IPs. 1-2 Switch and ARMS, brand new IPs, were also a launch window titles. Those are all major first-party

Ugh. Troll is troll? More games? Do you not realize that the Switch already has one of the strongest first years in launch history? Not only has the console sold about 6 million units now, but it already has three launch period titles that have sold over a million copies, including Breath of the Wild, which has sold

Why do they call them TV shows instead of Hollywood scripted borefests to make money off the sheepish masses?

I would 100% recommend Kingdomino to play with your kids. It is a truly fantastic game that is easy to learn and super-fun. My son, who’s only 6, is in love with it. I remember one of the first games my wife and I played against him, he beat us cleanly. We were both in shock, so we’ve been playing serious ever since.

They both just look like they’ve been rode hard and hung up wet.

I honestly don’t see why Okami HD is not going to the Switch. I mean... don’t they seem like a perfect combination? Playing Okami in HD on the go sounds like a dream we should all be experiencing!

Good luck? We did it. We woke up at 3:50am, took the first train where we were, and got to Tokyo Game Show by 6:55. Since we reserved Supporters Club tickets, we were in the early access line, and we were able to get tickets for the 11:05 lineup at the CAPCOM booth. We still had to wait 2 hours, which allowed us to

I felt it was much more like the latter. You could tell by her story that she knew one of those men passes through there every so often, so she sacrificed power for stealth. You could very much tell she was sad to suppress so much in favor of looking “normal” to the people around her. When the man finally showed up,

I am aware of an individual named The Poo Bandit. He was from Myrtle Beach, and he would mysteriously poop in the most obscene places. He once even got an elementary school award ceremony cancelled because of “contaminating” the auditorium.

If that’s all you know and strongly identify with, it’s easy to lean on, especially considering how little is actually known about Magus.

I got my copy earlier today (Tokyo time), and I’ve already plunged about 6 hours into it. I... can’t... stop... playing!

It is whining. “Gamers” don’t support the companies. People who buy their products support the companies. Bethesda is taking a chance and offering people a unique experience, whether they are ports or not. You have to give them credit for trying.