Jason C.

I doubt that. People like myself, who have full-time jobs and love gaming, have been getting a lot of great gaming because of the Switch’s console-to-mobile strategy. The fact that I can play Wolfenstein II at home, on the go, and on the toilet at work is a HUGE plus for me. Killing Nazis on my lunch break while

I think Sony’s problem was trying to make “console gaming on the go”. Because of that, they launched back-to-back incredibly expensive pieces of hardware, and when your competition (The DS and 3DS respectively) is selling for tremendously cheaper and simply offering a “fun mobile experience”, it’s easy to see that

Umm... why exactly? Bethesda is giving people Doom and Wolfenstein II on the go. What’s to hate about that? The Switch is making it a reality to play some awesome games portably, and now major third parties are jumping on board to support the new trend. The support of Bethesda is pretty large, but it also seems like

Thankfully, Doom’s single player is fantastic, which is what you’d be playing on the go anyway. It was very smart of Id and Bethesda to keep it off the cart so they didn’t have to use the most expensive cartridge.

Sorry. I meant specifically for the voice-chat. The other stuff the app provides is awesome, especially the map rotations, exclusive gear to buy, and other random stuff like stats and favorite weapons.

Umm... do people actually use this? Or are we just ignoring the far superior LINE, WhatsApp, or even Facebook Messenger?

CAPCOM... why you no Switch da Okami?

For me, I thought BoJack carrying the weight of both his parents this season was much more apparent. For seasons past, BoJack had always been dealing with his mom’s abuse and how she raised him, but little was ever communicated about his dad. Mostly neglect, but BoJack didn’t spend much time on his dad as far as

It’s actually much darker than anime paints it, honestly. The thing with many anime is that they show the lack of presence, and that’s it. But in reality, many fathers/husbands in Japan are recognized as 内弁慶 (uchibenkei), which means they “are a lion at home and a mouse outside”. Basically, at home, they scream, yell,

It hords a speciar prace in my healt too, because it was my filst big clane game win. But cullentry, I’m retting a fliend bollow it since I haven’t prayed it in ages. I learry rove my Switch light now, and Spratoon 2 is so much fun!

Intelesting, indeed.

Wow, dude! That’s awesome. I love trophies/achievements, but I’m not that heavily invested. Some of those games especially are just too time-consuming for me, but that really sucks for you that this just happens to be one of the games you haven’t completed.

Brian, I was literally talking about リア充 with a senpai earlier today, and we had a great discussion about it and how it got to this point. It’s a little sad, but considering how many Japanese overwork (Especially in Tokyo), they don’t have a lot of time to really make and develop friendships outside of their work

For the same reason people here in Tokyo go to various themed cafes to hang out with girls who pretend to like them for that period. Men go to Maid Cafes, for example, to actually feel the real-life interaction of a girl flirting with them. Sure, it doesn’t normally go anywhere, but for a lot of people, porn is not

I never played the original, so I am pumped to finally play it! I just don’t game on console and PC much, but since I travel a lot for work, the Switch is a dream! I’ve been able to clear so many games the past six months due to the portability of the Switch, and now I’ll finally get my chance to play games like

Yeah. I picked this up last year here in Japan, and it is truly fantastic! It’s one of the only reasons I still play my 3DS despite owning a Switch (At least until Samus Returns comes out! w00t!).

Praystation Bita is a good consore, but sadry, not enough suppolt. Nothing but Japanese LPGs and dating simurators. Oh, werr. Courd be wolse. It courd have been a fairule rike the Wii U. hehe

A... ROCKSTAR GAME... ON A NINTENDO CONSOLE?! When... wha... huh?!

I’m right there with you, my friend. I win in arcades often. I even won a Playstation Vita in Akihabara on ¥200. My local arcade in Hachioji keeps telling me to walk away from certain machines so they can adjust them, since I’m winning too much.

I think one of the biggest problems in Salmon Run is that people want to get SO many of the golden eggs, as much as they possibly can. Individuals will do this when 1) it’s not necessary and 2) it puts them in horrible danger. While getting golden eggs, it’s important that there’s at least one other person with you so