Jason C.

He was amped. What did you expect? He’s the captain of defending Stanley Cup champions, and their past two games were rubbish. The Penguins came out HOT and amped up, and Nashville got the living shit kicked out of them. Crosby was like a dog pushed into a corner, and boy o’ boy, did he bite back.

I agree completely. It’s almost like the Nintendo-hate is just cool to do now.

I mean, Bill O’Reilly is the premier news journalist, so it should be in Obama’s top priority to be interviewed by him, right?

Because it’s Japan, and they don’t want to ask. haha. It’s a cultural thing.

I was the only one of my friends that got a Switch at launch here in Hachioji. I told everyone to meet me at Geo bright and early on that first day of reservation back at the end of January. None of my friends showed up, so only I was able to reserve.

I’m heavily banking on a solid Switch presentation. Here are my hopes for Nintendo:

Oh, believe me, I was hoping for the same thing. But of course, since it’s a Magikarp game, all the cool stuff needs to be suppressed. You know... because he’s the weakest. haha

Sadly again, nope. haha. Because it’s seen as a forced retire, your Magikarp doesn’t get to enjoy the luxurious life of living in your fishtank anymore.

No advantage whatsoever. haha. It just unlocks a new event is all. They immediatey retire.

I don’t think so. My friend told me it breaks the everstone and eventually turns it into a Gyarados, so I just did it. Sure enough, it worked. haha

Umm... what troll would you be referring to?

Yeah. Just keep tapping on your Magikarp, and eventually the everstone will break. Keep tapping away on your Magikarp and sure enough, they will become Gyarados. Happy fishing!

My Mario Karp was killed by a Voltorb, MagiKrap was taken by a Pidgeotto, Karptain also got taken by a Pidgeotto, and KarpalTunnel turned into a Gyarados. *sigh*

That was precisely my point, though. Programming all of those control schemes for the entire game is a lot of work, and it’s why many games on Switch already have decided not to implement certain control schemes. For a new IP like ARMS, it can be intimidating to get the new IP if you have to have 8 JoyCons for local

How are control schemes not a feature? Especially when you have 5 different ones. This truly enables easy access to local multiplayer, especially those who haven’t bought anything outside the initial Switch box. You can actually play ARMS with a single JoyCon, which means right out of the box, you are able to do

Whoa, hold on. How is a game with 10 brand new fighters (And more to come later for free), 12+ new stages (Again, more for free later), a story mode, online mode, local mode, splitscreen up for 4-players, numerous game modes including standard fight, tag fight, volleyball, basketball, target smash, and even more that

Take a chill pill, dude. Geeez.

Let’s be honest, the 3DS/2DS version is terrible. I can’t believe I wasted money on it. No online uploading or downloading, no starring, no commenting to Miiverse, no searching for levels, no bookmarking. I mean, really? I can’t believe I bought it, to be honest. The Wii U version is awesome, but sales weren’t as good

Well, I’ve been calling this from Day 1. If Nintendo could get CAPCOM to release Monster Hunter on the Switch, it’s Nintendo’s game to lose.

I appears to be following Castlevania 3, from the looks of it. But who knows? Castlevania is an awesome series with mediocre storylines, so it might borrow from multiple stories to create a better version of itself.