Jason C.

In Japan, this is pretty universal for those who don’t hold prominent positions in the entertainment industry. I have many friends who work in television and game companies here, and one friend who works for Shonen Jump. Each of them work insanely long hours, mostly because of the social pressure in the work place

To be honest, neither side of this confrontation was good. As much as I understand the awesome slap (And boy, did I love it), it was immature and didn’t solve anything. That woman will continue to hate after that, possibly even moreso now, and given the escalation of the confrontation, there was no chance for a

So... this is your reaction to an incredibly heart wrenching story? I mean, you think caring for a handicapped child and supplying able-bodied people with NES Minis and amiibos are on the same level?

Space dogfights can still be an online battle mode. They did it with the pod races. haha. I mean, seriously, what’s the point in having “customized” space ships if we can’t use them at all? And Destiny 2 is doing the exact same thing of letting it be a loading screen piece again? That’s just terribly disappointing.

Uncharted 2's shooting mechanics were improved tremendously. Not only that, but they reprogrammed the enemy AI to be more intelligent and challenge you. Graphics were significantly better, world was much, much larger, story elements were much more expansive, online multiplayer options, and the game just felt bigger

No. I don’t agree with this at all. Uncharted 2 was a huge improvement to 1, and if you can’t see that, then we have a problem.

Precisely. What’s the point in even unlocking space ships, honestly? It’s like giving out special money in the game that you can’t buy anything with. It’s absolutely worthless.

If a crappy game like No Man’s Sky could do it, I thought it would be easy for Bungie. haha

This is what I was afraid of. I was hoping for actual space ship dogfights, space exploration, and more than simply going to one of 5 designated areas to fight one of 3/4 races of aliens or robots.

Don’t get me wrong, Yondu looks awesome, but the Nebula cosplayer even looks like Karen Gillan! It’s uncanny!

I know, right?! Compard to the others, Rocket is just plain lazy. Nebula is AMAZING!

That’s exactly how I saw the post. It didn’t look like the Italian “fangool” gesture. More of Rosie-like flexing.

I just don’t like the unmerited hate. That was my initial point. I kind of hate the Patriots for beating the Panthers in the Super Bowl, but outside that, I don’t care about them. Rivals just make so much more sense for me when it comes to hating teams, like Pittsburgh/Philly, New York/Boston,

Umm... way to project there, hoss. I’m from South Carolina. I’m a Carolina Panthers fan. New England can suck it for all I care (Damn that Super Bowl 38!), but the fact of the matter is, the Broncos have most definitely cheated more consistently than any other team in the league, yet the Patriots are always called

Umm, you clearly know how to judge by a lack of any knowledge at all. I played baseball for 10 years, wrestled for 12 (And got a full-ride scholarship for), and was in a roller hockey league for 7 years.

What’s a good one? That the Broncos have been caught more than 12 times illegally juicing their players? Or the fact that they lied about their team’s salaries for numerous years?

It could easily be a game similar to the DS ones, Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass, where the whole thing can be played with the touch screen.

Dang it! I did it again. It doesn’t help that hockey is my favorite sport. haha.

Oh, okay. My apologies. I read your first comment as the Patriots not being able to describe their cheating scandals right, so I was a bit confused by your comment. haha. My bad.

I am 100% behind this. It’s why my initial comment wondered if people were really mad that the Patriots were just too good. They proved all season long, despite the pile of controversies they kept dealing with, and won the whole thing again. The comeback win at the Super Bowl was just jaw dropping. I still can’t