Jason C.

I feel very similar in regard to the Patriots. My wife and her family are from Boston, so whenever we go there for holiday, if there are sports on, the family is INSANE. haha. I am by no means a fan of any Boston sports team, but I don’t hate any of them. Mostly because none of them directly affect any teams that I

You know you are describing a bunch of different American areas, right? My wife is from Norwood, MA, and I’ve seen Boston firsthand. I went to school in Missouri, and I’ve seen middle-Americans firsthand. I was born and raised in South Carolina, and boy o’ boy, have I seen the dark side of the South. My company is

And I’m sure Packers fans say the same thing about Vikings fans. ;)

I don’t mind. I mean, the internet doesn’t control me. haha.

Hilton Head is a beautiful area. Been down there a few times just to get away from the standard tourism of Myrtle Beach. I always found Hilton Head to feel a lot like Stepford (From the Stepford Wives movie(s)). Everything is so uniform and prestige-looking.

Who’s your favorite team? Get ready to see how much they’ve cheated, and possibly more than the Patriots.

Every team cheats, and the Patriots cheat a lot less than most teams. That’s my point. The cheating argument is bull shit, and most times, fans of more frequently cheating teams call the Patriots cheaters. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Wow. That was just a toxic comment. You know fans of any team can suck, right? It’s not subject to just New England or New York.

Wow, dude. Are you serious? I mistyped. That doesn’t make me a bad fan. I remember exactly where I was for both heart-breaking Super Bowl losses. Once in Aynor, SC at my friend’s house, where his stupid parents were Patriots fans (In SC for crying out loud!), and I didn’t hear the end of that for months. Second was

Yes. I simply mistyped and forgot to say “once to” when referring to the Patriots. It’s already been pointed out... too many times to count now. haha

I can understand that, but those kinds of people usually jump ship once a different team becomes the best. I wouldn’t say hating the team is justified because of non-loyal fans (Or bandwagon d-bags as you pointed out).

Again, already pointed out. I mistyped in my flury of responses. Meant to type “once to” regarding the Patriots. My only point was that I’ve got a little beef with the Patriots, because my favorite team was knocked out because of that last second field goal. Ugh.

You do realize that the Broncos and the Steelers are WAY more frequent cheaters than the Patriots, yet no on labels them as such. Why is that?

Ugh. For the umpteenth time. Every team cheats, and the Patriots are one of the less frequent and less severe cheating teams. Get your facts straight instead of just calling the Patriots “cheaters”. The Broncos are actually one of the worst cheating teams in the league, but why is no one saying anything about them

Someone already pointed this out. I mistyped. I meant to have “once to” in the latter sentence. I just wanted to point out that I have a reason to not like the Patriots, because one of my favorite team’s chances was spoiled... by that last second field goal!

So why was your first comment subject to one or the other?

Oh, cool! Where do you live in SC? I live in Tokyo now for work, but I was born and raised in Myrtle Beach. I love my home state, but we obviously have some flaws, that’s for sure. haha.

Ugh. They are good, dude. I’m a Carolina fan, and I can admit they are good. A lot of the crap held against the Patriots is child’s play compared to some of the other teams in the league.

You claim you didn’t really watch sports, and yet, you are investing in a debate you clearly don’t know a lot about. As RevengencerAlf pointed out, the hate for the Patriots has been going on for a LONG time. And people hate cheating? Well, why don’t these people hate every team in the NFL? Because again... they are

Haha. You’re right. I think I had two thoughts going at the same time and just blatantly mistyped it. Wanted to say Carolina lost twice in the Super Bowl, once was to... “you guessed it. Patriots.”.