Jason C.

Sure, but why?

But that was precisely my first point! Rivalries are awesome! It sparks comradery among fellow fans and competition against fans of the “enemy”. haha. With rivalries like Ohio State and Michigan, that kind of stuff is rich, intense, and awesome. I’m from South Carolina originally, and the heat between USC and Clemson

Now honestly, why is that? If you assume I’m a Patriots fan, you are WILDLY wrong. Carolina Panthers fan from Day 1, and... sigh... lost two Super Bowls to... sigh... you guessed it. Patriots. haha

Bro, honestly, no. Every team has asshole fans, asshole players, asshole coaches, and asshole owners. At the end of the day, each team is a business, and they just want our money. They couldn’t care less if you died tomorrow or not.

Wow. You must be a hit at parties. Who said I was a Patriots fan? Believe me, I want to hate the Patriots too, as a Panthers fan. Two Super Bowl losses to New England, but I honestly don’t care. At the end of the day, it’s football, and wasting energy hating a team that has no connection to me just seems stupid.

All teams cheat, and I’ll boldly say that majority of players are taking illegal enhancement drugs.

The fans are terrible, but honestly, so are the other teams’ fans. Eagles, Cowboys, Giants, 49ers, Packers... wait... it is every teams’ fans. hahaha. But they all have terribly arrogant fans that spend so much time gloating about how awesome their teams are, ignoring their flaws, and projecting future championship

Well, at least your hatred for the Patriots is justified. haha. I honestly can’t stand when people just hate teams like the Patriots or the Yankees. If it’s a rivalry, I can understand very easily, but this past season especially, people just hated the Patriots for just being... good, I guess.

Virtual Console is absolutely a given. It’s already been announced and that it’s coming at a later date. I wouldn’t doubt, like Randy said, that Reggie will say the VC is available right then and there during e3.

No. Virtual Console is a given. If they want to “win” e3, it needs to be a Grand Slam;

Keep in mind that the poll only allowed for up to three votes, so that really boils down to a very, very limited number of games. What would your top three action games be, honestly?

I have the same sentiments, for the most part. I would add a couple more things though:

I’m kind of in the same boat. I played the demo at Tokyo Game Show last year, and I was absolutely sold on Horizon. But when Nintendo solidified the dates for Switch and Breath of the Wild... I was torn. I 100% wanted to support and get Horizon, but... oh, the Zelda fanboy in me just turned a blind eye to Horizon and

Not to sound like a smartass, but this is obvious. Alcohol is famous for being a “numbing agent”, which means that it provides relief from both physical pain and mental pain. This is what leads to many people becoming addicts, because the abuse helps them to numb major physical pains or difficult to forget traumas.

Call this a VERY normal day at 200cc. Sheesh.

No worries. I figured Kotaku posted a link to it recently, because a couple people commented on it. I was like, “When was this conversation?” haha.

You understand that this conversation was from 3 years ago? I couldn’t give a shit about it anymore. haha

Wow. You’re acting as if Kojima and Konami personally attacked you. Relax, dude. It wasn’t a trainwreck. It was just a good game with a bad story.

Trainwrecked? Wow. You guys are such extreme with your word choices. MGS5 was quite a good game. The story had holes all over the place, but it didn’t feel any more brilliant or stupid than MGS1-4. I hate when people try to pretend that the MGS series is deep and profound, when in reality, it’s just a child’s

Because? That’s an extreme assessment after playing MGS5, of all games.