Jason C.

I have very long hands, and I have never had any problems with the New 3DS. I have always had LL version before this, so it did take some time to adjust to the smaller size, but cramping was never an issue. I think because the system is pretty light, it’s not a hassle to hold upright. Hands usually cramp up when they

Since Dragon Quest really isn’t super-popular outside Japan, I doubt it’ll release elsewhere. But I do agree with you, it’s a beautiful special edition, but like your initial comment, the lack of 3D is the only thing I don’t like. Again, that’s why I said if it was region-free, that element would be more important to

Unfortunately, no. But you could have gotten a a New 3DS (regular) and gotten a slime face plate for it. Or you could have gotten the special edition New 3DS LL here in Japan, but it’s not quite as cool-looking as this 2DS XL/LL model.

Considering the New 3DS is roughly the same price as the New 2DS XL, I think the former is still the better deal, especially since you can change the faceplates and customize the exterior much more freely.

Oh, believe me, I know how game development works, and one of my best friends actually works for Capcom. I’ve even met Oda-san (creator of SF) at a party my friend invited me to, and my son has a sweet Blanka/Dhalsim sweater that he gave him.

This is Capcom, who are infamous for locking things behind a pay wall, so I don’t even see why you’re trying to defend this. Sure, I might be assuming the worst, but Capcom hasn’t given me any reason not to be skeptical.

But this time, it’s planned, so obviously, they are already playable. Capcom just wants to make that money.

But that’s the stupid thing. Sigma is a Capcom character, and Capcom can use him however they want. Looks like they decided to use him as DLC. Ugh.

I’m sorry. I’m a huge fan of the series, and despite so many of Capcom’s business practices, I love so many of their franchises. But... you are announcing the game now, in April, for a September release, which is 5 months away, and you are trying to fool people into a 6-character “deluxe” DLC which includes what

I love this so much, because Nintendo is just making Splatoon such a fun, influential, and engaging new series.

As sad as it is to read this, keep in mind that this guy hasn’t properly dated anyone and has never had sex. He’s never been intimate with a woman, so imagine where his mind has been going for all these years trying to figure out why he’s failing in this area. He probably did have that Revenge of the Nerds kind of

Precisely. That’s all I was saying in the beginning. It’s purely speculation, but given the timing of it all, to me, it would make sense if Nintendo and B-N have been making some deals the past few years.

Whoa, whoa. Are you not aware of the relationship between Nintendo and Bandai-Namco? B-N had their hands heavily in Smash Bros 4, and they also had their hands in Wii Sports Club, Mario Kart 8, and Tekken Tag 2 Wii U Edition. That’s not even counting the random exclusives that B-N has made for Nintendo over the years,

They could make it work on the Switch. Naturally, it won’t look as good, but like you said, cut down on certain things, and they could make it work.

The graphics really aren’t that impressive, to be honest. The lighting is sharp, but they could tone that down for Switch. Shouldn’t be a problem, really.

Nintendo did spend some decent money getting Bayonetta 2 and Devil’s Third (Albeit the latter was NOT a good investment), and both of those are M-rated, riske games. I could see Nintendo trying, at least, to get some kind of exclusivity with this one.

I’m not advocating for anything, but I’m just wondering. Since Nintendo and Bandai-Namco have been in each others’ studios a lot the past few years, it seems like it would be possible that Nintendo and B-N might strike up a deal.

If the game looks as “good” as above, it should run fine on Switch.

Please point out in my comment that I “wanted” this or was “wishing” for it. Please. Go ahead. I’d like to see you point that out instead of jumping the gun and judging me for something I didn’t even communicate.

Whoa, bro. Chill out. I didn’t say I “wanted” this. I simply wondered if the possibility of it being a timed-exclusive.