Jason C.

I wonder, considering Bandai-Namco’s recently hot relationship with Nintendo, if this will have any timed-exclusivity on Switch. It seems like Nintendo is really working on making the Switch a desirable console, and since they have such a good relationship with the company, I’d imagine if Nintendo is working with

This just doesn’t make sense. It’s selling out, so... you stop making more? Does Nintendo not want easy money?

Dude! Those were great (Albeit exposing your youth nature)! Okay. So we both kind of sucked. haha. But it sounds like we are both on a good path. I always tell people when I share these stories that I got all of the shit out of me by 23, and after that, I stood straight up and said, “NEVER MORE!” Straight and narrow

Oh, I guess I didn’t reply this to you, but we definitely got kicked out of the course multiple times. haha. I would say that most of the golfers didn’t mind us, but some of the older golfers, especially, would get super-pissed that “two poorly kids would dare trespass on such a prestige and historical course!”

For Christ’s sake. I didn’t call what I did with the golf balls a “crime spree” or even hinted at it. I only told the story initially to make a point that certain kids do stupid things to make money. Some times it’s more innocent, other times it can just seem downright wrong. The morality of the matter wasn’t my

Look. You don’t deserve anymore response, because you’ve just been insulting from the beginning. I’ll admit, I was quite immature in my last response, but after seeing how you responded here, this stupid conversation is just done.

Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot. You know everything about me, and your judgment is absolute. You are the king of internet judgment, and we should all listen to your almighty wisdom about our lives. You are the god who is in charge of all morals, and you are 100% sure which actions are worse than others. All people must go

Hardly projecting? That’s pretty much all you’ve done besides insulting. Such a class act.

Wow. Projecting again. I love that you and others think that I’m getting so hyped up, “gnashing” and “wailing”, according to you, about whatever it is you think I’m getting so passionate about.

Wow. Check you out projecting and taking things out of context. I used the recycling of golf balls story to compare what kids can do to earn money. It’s cute when white kids sneak onto private property and steal, isn’t it?

I totally agree with your take on Ivanka learning the wrong lesson, but my take away was that if I had the resources at my disposal, I would have done something similar. Most kids don’t have a good sense of morals, so they are a bit more free to do things they shouldn’t. I used to steal money out of the register at my

Wow. Insulting much? Please explain why I’m stupid? And apparently remarkably dumb?

Again, we illegally snuck into the property (The whole neighborhood, even, since it’s a private neighborhood), and we were taking property away from the course (Stealing). As I mentioned in a different comment, had we been black or Hispanic, we would have most definitely been arrested. Traymon Martin got shot in a

Well, that’s precisely the difference I was pointing out. I grew up and realized what I did back then (May I remind you, my parents weren’t around to teach us much of anything, particular good behavior. haha) was wrong, and as a father now, I want to be active and present in my kids’ lives. In my own reflection, I

Possibly, but keep in mind that people did get paid to scoop those balls out at the end of the day. If we are fishing them out, it kind of takes away the hours of those people who actually work there.

Hahaha. I appreciate the honesty, but I can guarantee I don’t have the finances to be Trump-level. Was just simply saying that kids will be kids, and some kids are just good at stealing, lying, and making money.

I realize that this is normal for most golf courses, but the course I am particularly talking about is Pine Lakes Country Club in Myrtle Beach, SC (My hometown). It’s one of the oldest and most prestige courses in my hometown, so when I say getting into this course was illegal, I mean getting into the neighborhood is

Well, I understand your sentiment (Especially since it justifies my past behavior), but isn’t conning just conning? I know that the Trumps conning their friends is pretty shitty, but what we were doing as kids was pretty sketchy too, even if it was for something essential like food.

As I mentioned to others though, sneaking onto the property itself is illegal, and actually the course’s maintenance workers would collect the balls as the end of the day and sell them in the shop for really cheap (Cheaper than our prices). So not only were we sneaking on to private property illegally, but we were

Yeah, you’re probably right, but we were still illegally sneaking onto private property and also illegally fishing out balls that didn’t belong to us and selling them on the very property that we illegally snuck into and illegally stole from.