Well, keep in mind, it was definitely cheaper to sneak onto private property and illegally fish balls out of the course’s ponds then it would have been to make our own golf balls in a sweat shop. haha
Well, keep in mind, it was definitely cheaper to sneak onto private property and illegally fish balls out of the course’s ponds then it would have been to make our own golf balls in a sweat shop. haha
To be honest, though. I think that’s normal for a lot of kids. I was raised lower middle-class, and both my parents were never around. I was the oldest and watched over my siblings mostly, but I was still a kid and did STUPID stuff. I used to take my brother down to a golf course, where we’d sneak through the woods,…
That “U Series” for the Switch is cruel. I know all Switch users actually want that to be a reality, but let’s be honest. It ain’t happening.
Embrace it, bro. Link is sexy.
I have been married to my wife for almost 12 years now, and we make love quite regularly. I know for most married couples, the sex dwindles down after a couple years, especially when you pass the 10-year mark. However, my wife and I still make love 3+ times a week, and that’s with two kids still in the house, me…
Not true at all. Breath of the Wild is limited to 900p, because they didn’t start development on the Switch and were working on both Wii U and Switch at the same time, which disallowed BotW to be a 1080p game.
That’s the problem with the roller though. It’s like a shotgun in other shooters. It’s useless from a distance, so anything with medium-to-long range can take out rollers easily, as long as they don’t let the roller sneak up on them (Again, like shotguns in other shooters).
From my experience in the test fire, all four weapons are unique and useful. It just really depends on your play style, which I really, really enjoy.
It’s a server “stress test” of sorts. Basically, make the available times short and scattered so Nintendo can evaluate how well their servers were holding up for each time. Also, because it’s a worldwide test, the times can seem pretty sporadic and inconvenient for many people, but that’s why there are 6 different…
HAHAHAHAHAHA! You are comparing a PS4 to a Ferrari? Get outta here.
Before you did any of the Korok challenges, they did say they are supposed to be very challenging, which is quite the point. You need to be flawless in all of them, granted the magnet one is the easiest of the three by a long shot. The wooden weapon challenge was also a bit frustrating at first, but like this stealth…
The Naruto manga is the only manga to date that I read in completion from the day it started to the final day. Although it had its weak moments, it was a great series that didn’t overstay its welcome. Wonderful characters, great relational building, and probably one of the most likeable main characters in Jump…
I actually sold my Vita, because the support for it was just SO bad. It started off pretty good, and then Sony just dropped it like a bad habit. Sure, it got a lot of Japanese sim games and a decent amount of indies, but most of the indies that came out for it I had elsewhere and those sim games don’t do it for me AT…
You are. It automatically changed all Wii U options to Switch, so if you chose the US Wii U version, for example, you now have the US Switch version reserved.
What part of Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Fast RMX, Runner 3, Steam World Dig 2, Yooka Laylee, Shakedown Hawaii, Rime, Sonic Forces, Stardew Valley, I am Setsuna, Lego Worlds, Bloodstained, 1-2 Switch, Arms, Fire Emblem for Switch, Fire Emblem Warriors, a brand new Shin Megami Tensei, Snipperclips,…
I was just working on Brian’s “XX? Surely, Capcom means XXX.” sentence anyway, so if I stole from anyone, it’s definitely him. haha
Umm... pretty much every scavenger animal on the planet drinks milk as adults. Foxes, especially, are known to eat anything and everything to survive, and some experts even compliment foxes for eating such a wide variety of foods.
Ooh. Good call! haha
Well, it is only one X away from being pornographic.
That’s the difference I was implying. Sony didn’t go all-in with the Vita. Once they saw it was hurting and the PS4 was soaring, they dropped it like a bad habit and basically gave the handheld market back to Nintendo.