Jason C.

“The Next Vita” is definitely not the case. Even in this first year, the Switch is already getting a whole lot more love than Sony gave the Vita. Tons of unique indie games AND Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Mario Odyssey before the end of the year. Who knows what else is even in store? I’m

You obviously haven’t played the game or just don’t know what you’re talking about. You need nearly a full-row of heart containers to get the Master Sword, so you definitely can’t get it “pretty early”. Also, Zora Trident DEFINITELY breaks. haha

I agree! Plague of Shadows was brilliant and in many ways better than Shovel Knight’s campaign. I just started playing Spector of Torment, and it seems like Yacht Club has outdone themselves again. With each passing DLC, I keep wondering if they will screw things up, but wow! The whole Shovel Knight package just keeps

Those hemorrhoids will totally be worth it!

I had the runs... and I was fighting a boss... yeah. I’m aware, but it was still awesome to do. haha

Breath of the Wild has taken over my life. I can’t play anything else... on the toilet, on the TV, on the train, on the bus... Zelda.

But you’re still calling it a “shitshow” is my point. I don’t see it that way. Again, not saying it’s perfect, by any means, but Nintendo must be doing something right, because sales are insane right now. Time will tell, ultimately, but maybe Nintendo’s really weird and uninforming approach actually worked. Kind of

About the same situation here, except for the second set of Joy-Cons. I just played for another 5 hours and had zero problems.

I’m curious as to what people are doing to have this issue. I used mine all day today, and I didn’t have a single problem. Mind you, I never used the Joy-Cons separate from the device except while playing 1-2 Switch. Even then, no connectivity problems.

I still don’t quite agree. The Switch’s major (And potentially only) selling point is... well... the Switch. The ability to seamlessly go from TV to portable is huge, and to have a console experience on the go is a very big deal. The was basically the Vita’s entire promise (Console gaming on the go), but the Vita was

Four touchdowns in a single game, including the game-winning touchdown against that slimy Dixon and his Andrew Jackson High teammates.

No Man’s Sky... WON SOMETHING?!

I personally don’t think so. Most modern console releases are pretty vague upon first release, and they get better with age. The PS3, especially, is a great example of this. It started off LACKING. PSN was a mess, the online store was barren, there was no announcement of any classic titles from PS1 or PS2 to be had (I

They have announced some of these things. The Virtual Console will not be at launch and will be talked about soon. So far, only one game is tablet-only, and I’m sure more and to come. External hard-drives are most likely not to be supported initially, but that’s why the micro-SD option is a great solution, since it is

You do realize that some of those are absolutely exclusive to the Switch, right? And even more are time exclusives, which means they release on Switch before anywhere else, right?

Now playing

In JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s new anime series, this is how they close episodes. They usually end in very interesting cliffhangers, and it uses that part of Roundabout to do so on most of them. Here’s an example:

And funny is subjective. Every individual will be differently affected by certain jokes based on their own emotional ties, sense of comedy, and their sensitivity to material.

Well, thanks for pointing it out! I’m getting good at these meaningless predictions, apparently. The recent one was the Switch’s online service. The day they announced it’ll cost money and people were freaking out, I commented somewhere on here that it will probably cost about $25 and people need to relax.

I worked with what I could find. haha

Wow! Like 5 years ago, and I was just totally guessing. I didn’t even remember this conversation. haha