Jason C.


Not entirely true. You can get the Cero-Z-rated version as well. It’s just that most Japanese people aren’t big fans of gore, so for a marketing strategy, they provide both a Cero-D and a Cero-Z rating. Those two ratings are EXTREMELY different, so the content of the games follow suit.

Look, I’m all for the world being “one less dick away from a peaceful planet”, but we should never, and I mean NEVER, cheer the murder of another human being, no matter how much of a scumbag they were.

Go back and look at my replies from weeks ago. When the initial announcement was made, people were freaking out that Nintendo has gone the route of MS and Sony. I kept replying, “What if Nintendo is just charging a little bit to help with their online service? Maybe like $20 or so?”

I’m rooting for them. I’m not a “fanboy”. I just love games, and I hate to see companies go down. More competition means the companies try harder and end up making better consoles, better games, and better decisions. I really hope the Wii U was a wake-up call for Nintendo, and I would love to see the Switch be a

Too expensive? Explain how so. Last I remember, the original PlayStation debuted at $300USD, the PS2 debuted at $300, the Xbox debuted at $300, the Xbox 360 debuted at $400, the PS3 debuted at $500, and boy, the Sega Saturn debuted at $400.

But why be pissed now when no one knows the state of the online? People just need to chill out.

One could argue that PSN’s sales pale in comparison to physical retailers where you are able to sell the game back (Meaning bigger discounts). Also, can we not mention how bland PS+ games have been the past couple years? It used to be great games every months, but lately, it’s just been more “What’s that game?”-games

Pretty much. I wish people would calm down and just let Nintendo be Nintendo. Are all of their decisions great? Of course not. But have we forgotten all the boneheaded decisions made by Microsoft, Sony, Valve, EA, Ubisoft, Capcom, SEGA, and numerous others? Nintendo is still a company that’s obviously capable of

I knew this was going to be the case. People kept freaking out, thinking this service would cost as much as PSN or Xbox LIVE, but I had a strong feeling Nintendo was going to charge only $20 for the year.

That’s precisely how I feel. LBP3 is nice, because it’s a well-received AAA game, but the past many months have been full of disappointing games. I mean, I enjoy that I receive them, but I have only played like 5 of the PS+ games I received in the past year. That’s not a good sign.

It’s not necessarily “hate” against indie games, it’s just a bit tiring. When Plus first started, it was a constant stream of great titles, both retail and indie games. The annual fee for the service was absolutely justified, because each month, PS3 owners were given some spectacular games!

Not true at all. Super Mario has been around for over 30 years, and many people, including young people, prefer the 8-bit or 16-bit versions of Mario over the 3D models. Super Mario Maker is a perfect example that many people like the old-school look.

Well, naturally, they went with the 8-bit styles because 1) It’s absolutely the most popular Mega Man style and 2) it’s the most recognizable Mega Man, especially nowadays. 

I mean, Platinum did make two games that were great (Bayonetta 2 and The Wonderful 101). Sure, one of those was insanely better than the other, but it still provided two exclusive and unique experiences on the Wii U over the other consoles.

Runbow is a blast! It’s just so unfortunate that the game didn’t sell that well on Wii U, because it deserves a lot more praise. Really silly and super-fun local and online multiplayer, and the up to 8 players part is the best.

A limited library, yet, but did it have some amazing games.

“kind of” what? Are you quoting me?

The launch line up was actually pretty good! The problem was 1) Nintendo didn’t crank out enough Wii Us and 2) casual gamers weren’t interested. And I do think the name was a big part of the initial problem. So many people I know thought it was an upgrade for the Wii and didn’t want to buy it. I was baffled by the