I agree. The Wii U is kind of the Dreamcast of this time, and it was such a misunderstood console. It provided some amazing games, and there were some genuinely good ideas for the duel-screen (Ugh. Except for those awful Star Fox controls).
I agree. The Wii U is kind of the Dreamcast of this time, and it was such a misunderstood console. It provided some amazing games, and there were some genuinely good ideas for the duel-screen (Ugh. Except for those awful Star Fox controls).
I didn’t even have that. I kind of like plums, but I despise pickled anything. However, I just got it with zero introduction. It looked sweet upon first glance, so I just threw it right in my mouth... and then immediately spat it out. haha
Sorry you didn’t try basashi (raw horse). It’s actually delicious and one of my favorite foods here in Japan.
Hahaha. Yeah. Natto is not for everyone. I don’t mind it, and I can eat it if I need to. Definitely not a food that makes me salivate, though. ;)
Precisely. I believe myself to be on the same boat, but I definitely won’t eat it again if I don’t like it. However, I’m always up for at least trying it once! It’s fun to say, “Yeah, I’ve eaten raw horse... dolphin... fish ice cream... fermented soy beans... intestines... cow tongue... whale meat... etc.” I remember…
I’ve lived in Tokyo for years, and it never ceases to amaze me what random flavors Japan comes up with for ice cream, soda pop, and even snacks. I remember when I first moved here, I saw corn porridge-flavored chips, and I just looked at my wife and asked, “Who thought this was a good idea?” Boy, if I only knew that…
We shouldn’t be too surprised. This is the same country that eats basashi (raw horse) ice cream. ;)
I don’t doubt a lot of games will be redone or updated Wii U games in the first year. I mean, hell, we already have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and don’t count Super Smash Bros for Switch out. haha.
Many retail games didn’t use the two-screen system at all, like Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Bros U/Luigi U, Yoshi’s Woolly World, Super Mario 3D World, Hyrule Warriors, Wind Waker HD, Bayonetta 1&2, and numerous others. I actually think the list of games that require the Gamepad for the two-screen set up is much shorter…
The Wii U already has a crapton of N64 games available. Nintendo just needs to quit dilly-dallying and release ALL previously released VC games. Then they can trickle more all the want, but they need to do that first. That way, when they start releasing GameCube games on the VC, people will be pumped and already have…
I never said I was expecting it. I’m just telling them to do it! haha
Truly, the two things Nintendo can do to make the Switch launch perfect is just say this;
Switch pre-orders on online sites sold out in minutes. I couldn’t even add one to my cart right when they opened the Switch stuff on the site, they disappeared so quickly.
That’s crazy! But also super-cool. It’s fun to hear games I thought only would sell in Japan are actually selling outside the country too. You always hear how “this game” and “that game” never get localized, so I always assumed all the Musou games, especially, would never leave Japan.
Oh, wow! Thanks for telling me that. I live in Japan, so I wasn’t aware of the popularity of Tecmo Koei’s games outside the country. It does seem like a game that is very particular to a small Japanese crowd, but there I go assuming again. haha
They didn’t go into so much detail during the event (Well, neither did these videos, but still). It’s still Nintendo giving us a little more each day. Doesn’t matter how small, medium, or big the news might be. We still don’t know anything about how the Virtual Console or the online system is going to work either, so…
Believe me, this is the #1 reason I’m buying a Switch. I live in Japan, but I travel often for work. So many times when I’m in the States or Canada or somewhere and see a 3DS or Wii U game I want for cheap, I remember I can’t play it on either of my consoles. Ugh.
It’s also unlikely to release outside Japan, but like you said, it’s for a niche market. All of those in the niche market who were not attracted to the Switch prior to this reveal will be pre-ordering tomorrow. haha.
Not at all. Nintendo is the king of what I call “The Cartman Method”, where they never blow their load all at once. They only give a little bit at a time so you want to know more. They only release so many at one time, so you feel like you need to be next in line.
I know this isn’t for everyone, but the region-free aspect of the Switch AND that last statement of, “The user will access the Nintendo eShop that corresponds to the country identified in their Nintendo Account. (Up to eight user accounts can be created on a single Nintendo Switch system.)“, really makes it sound…