I absolutely hope you are wrong, no offense. The Avalanche isn't a truck. It's an SUV with the back cut out. What this truck needs to be is a full on truck with a separate bed.
I absolutely hope you are wrong, no offense. The Avalanche isn't a truck. It's an SUV with the back cut out. What this truck needs to be is a full on truck with a separate bed.
But it's really going to be a gouda time.
David, there are lots of Route Tracking phone apps available. See if the webgeeks can link it to Jalopnik so we can keep tabs on you through the way. I'm coming from the southern California so I wont be of much help but there's a ton of people on your path that are ready and willing to help. I'll see you in Moab!
That was my thought too but the images below that show a picture of Las Vegas, NV...
Look at this smart guy...
I’m some where in the middle, I guess. I hate Apple computers. PC or die. When it comes to my phone, I hate Android and Windows operating systems. Hopefully the (relatively) small explosive in my iPhone will only take an arm or leg and not my entire sad existence.
Affect and Effect discombobulated me as a youth. It wasn’t until later on in life when I began to write for fun that...Affect=chAnge and Effect=rEsult.
#2 hits the nail on the head. Not everyone realizes that getting a commuter car can end up being more expensive than just driving the truck you do need at times. I did a cost analysis years back when I was commuting my Grand Cherokee 30 miles each way to work. The Jeep was paid off. Got 12 miles per gallon. I enjoyed…
Jalopicles. I love new words!
“I, for one, welcome our new robot carpool overlord vehicles.”
Additionally, the driveshaft does not hang below the lower control arms on the Jeep multi-link suspension system. Clearance wont change much.
One major difference is that the Highlander has independent suspension all the way around. FCA/Jeep has confirmed the next Wrangler will keep the straight axles. Though, that doesn't mean the HEV Wrangler would keep the same suspension design.
That all depends on how they set it up. If they do MOA (Motor On Axle), then you are correct and that would be amazing. I've been toying with the idea of a flatfender with MOAs.