Lord_Data ∞

"Binaural Beats." Really Lifehacker?

@haran_elessar: Hmm... "Recibí," you say? That's what I was going to put, but then I thought I'd be clever and use the imperfect: "I have recieved"

I love Mountain Dew Throwback. Not because of the taste, necessarily, (I don't mind HFCS) but because of the label. I tell people all the time that 'Mountain Dew' used to be a euphemism for illegal liquor, "moonshine." Nobody believed me then, but now, with Throwback, I can just point out the jug carrying hillbilly on

No me gusta la clase de español. Yo recibía una "C." Es mi grado más malo.

@jupiterthunder: As someone currently taking AP Psych, I am offended by your insinuation that we don't know what we're talking about.

@Mayor McRib: I'd love to be a professional philosopher as well, unfortunately, this isn't ancient Greece. [not sarcasm]

@TheFu: That's interesting, because everyone I talked to said you needed BLACK MAGIC to pass AP Statistics.

@dybunny: Personally I prefer the Heinlein variation: TANSTAAFL

@Maave: Lucky. My HS didn't offer AP World, only AP US, AP Politics & civics and AP Microeconomics.

@infmom: Isn't it great, having a teacher that can really teach? I've been lucky in that respect for the most part, but I've had a few teachers that clearly should not have been in that profession. *Resists urge to tell story*

@moe52: Thank you for that. Too many people know what they want to specialize in, which is good, but it makes it harder for people like me, who want to be educated in everything. I had no clue what I wanted to do after High School, so I took every class I could and don't regret it.

@Terry: Thanks, I actually do use Audacity for this, but it gets tedious quickly. I was hoping there was an automated way of doing it.

Say I have a single audio file that contains multiple songs, such as a recorded radio program. Is there a program that will detect the empty space between songs and automatically split the one file into several separate audio files?

@Bonsai_halcyon: Such apps have existed for quite a while. Here's just a few:

@mrmcarter: Hey! I take insult to that. I can't stand that WoW crap.

I remember drivers ed. My teacher said something along the lines of "whoops, out of time, I guess you'll have to learn parallel parking from someone else."

Hah! You think your desktop clutter is messy! Just a quick look at my desk reveals that I have accumulated, for some reason or another, the following on my desk:

@Zinger314: Windows 7 Desktop Browser 2010 Series Business Edition

If it were me, I would have made the voting window with Silverlight.

New Hive Five idea: