Lord_Data ∞

@zanky: My mistake, Apple's is a proprietary connection.

@zanky: It's worth noting that the annoying 30-pin connector on iPods is a "standard," in that it's open and anyone can use it.

@gravityiscool: ...and computer like a baby during the day!

@Fanboy: It's over 7 months old right now and still working 100% perfectly, in every possible way.

@Bender: Yeah, I didn't see a problem with that... or most of them, for that matter.

@OhMyClarence: No, you wouldn't get over it, that's the point! You would be dead!

@OhMyClarence: Objectively, no, there is no difference, and for the sake of society, yes, that duplicate would be treated as the original.

@OhMyClarence: Except your consciousness does have a physical presence. Your brain isn't just a host for your mind, it is your mind, which is why a true transference is impossible, by definition, much as we'd like to believe otherwise.

The results of this review are also entirely applicable to the Evo 3D (with the exception of the camera, which is 5MP in 2D mode, rather than 8 on the Sensation).

@Epon: almost (if not all) smartphones and their oversized brethren boot directly from a flash chip on the motherboard. Usually much smaller than the separate internal storage.

@Greg Stiffler: Honestly, who needs a hard drive, when am I ever going to fill these floppys?

@taekwondonut: If you already know that candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

@GeneralBattuta: Yes, from a certain viewpoint, it's part of being a dynamic existence. I'm not sure what you mean by a "dualist myth," though.

@GeneralBattuta: You are deceiving yourself. A computer *copy* is just that - a copy. Whether it's sentient or not is irrelevant, it is a separate entity from you. You will die, and it will live on, providing the objective illusion of immortality.

@JGab: Oh, no. Assuming his password is secure no super computer the police can get their hands on will be able to crack it in a reasonable period of time.

@Bender: If they confiscate his computer, and he's dumb enough to give up his password (I'm assuming his drives are encrpyted), then they'll have access to the hostmasks of everyone who visited the IRC, which could prove useful.

@ManaT: Yes, you do die every time you go unconscious.

@countjackula: Time wouldn't have anything to do with it. It's debatable that if you could slowly replace organic cells individually, but that opens a debate that's far too long for internet commenting.