“this article doesn’t address why gay kids are feeling this way”
“this article doesn’t address why gay kids are feeling this way”
Sharing log-in information with people you personally know falls under the rubric of fair use and is therefore not stealing (the same way sharing mix CDs in the early 2000s wasn’t stealing).
Because a large number of lawyers participated in the Greek system.
“influencers head to...a...music festival”
Yes, he tweeted that he was back on set a few weeks back (also, this was intensively covered by my local media here in Albuquerque).
Always a good time to relate that in grad school I was one of the TAs for a course this dude was taking (this was back in his Chet Haze days). He would routinely roll into lecture 15-20 minutes late, sit about three rows back from the front, put his Wayfarers on (put them on, he hadn’t been wearing them on the way…
Wait, WHO’S homophobic?
Ha, “lame username.” What a sick burn, American Psycho. Also, commas are followed by spaces in smart person English.
You know, like in Prometheus. Having a PhD in Archaeology also obviously makes you a medical doctor.
Not really, because Jill Biden actually works in the field she has a PhD in.
“an “X” rating has, until very recently, been seen as a film’s kiss of death”
I love that the logic of the suit is, “This is child pornography, and I didn’t even get paid enough for it!”
He almost sounds like a slightly off Robert Downey, Jr.
Yes, and it means the same thing as “overwhelmed.”
Obviously she got into both Berkeley and Harvard because of her stellar performance on her school’s rowing crew.
Reminds me of when I finally saw 2001 on a big screen with a full theater sound system and discovered that, in that context, a) it physically hurts when the monolith emits the shriek and b) several of the cuts back to HAL’s eye are truly chilling.
I was looking through some of the other stuff on the gallery’s Instagram and a lot of it is strikingly derivative. I’m almost certain I’ve seen Lucien Freuds that are being almost directly ripped off in some of those pieces.
Sure. The point of the whole thing with HAL is that he’s as close as humans could come to creating a new type of sentient life and we dramatically screwed it up. The monoliths are tools from some unknown source that, at the beginning and the end, push humanity into new stages of evolution (the space baby is Dave as a…
“...makes everyone on social media sound ovinely the same.” Wow, that’s a--set of words.
Gurl, on whose behalf are you being offended? Jezebel has gotten so fucking narcissistically self-righteous.