Never any love for Eyes Wide Shut in lists of Christmas movies.
Never any love for Eyes Wide Shut in lists of Christmas movies.
On the flip side, interesting that this person (like I genuinely don’t know who she is apart from this specific thing) doesn’t seem to realize that what she’s wearing would’ve been considered shockingly, even outrageously masculine for a woman to be wearing like a half century ago.
Presumably it cleared because it’s actually a profoundly cynical and satirical show—or at least it was for the first season. What’s weird to me is that Fox executives bought Ryan Murphy’s style of show but ostensibly targeted at teenagers (though I and a bevy of The Gays watched it and I was in grad school at the…
Remember when the GOP was all in a disingenuous tizzy about ACA and death panels? Turns out they were just upset because they wanted to convene them.
Why is his absurd haircut omitted from this hard-hitting story on male insecurity?
Yeah, I myself really savored the fact that she refused to meet with them yesterday (Monday) and her office suggested a meeting next week, and the House folks insisting on a meeting were like, “Yeah, no, you’re gonna meet with us now” with the implication that she would otherwise be held in contempt of Congress.
I enjoy that mental image, but interestingly, way back (which was probably only a couple years ago, but damn does 2016 feel like two decades ago now), I read an article about how Trump tweets from a “compositional” point of view and evidently he dictates to an aide each tweet down to very precise details. Like, he…
I just thought about that episode of AbFab where a pheasant flies into their suite and alights on Patsy’s head, which, if you reconstruct it in your mind with Don and a turkey, is just about a perfect mental image.
Sidenote: you know what I wish I’d see more coverage of, is the weird internecine politics around school board elections this cycle, especially in Grosse Pointe.
I always enjoy the facial expression that accompanies my telling people that before WWII pink was considered the active, masculine color for baby boys and blue was the passive, feminine color for baby girls.
Some missing monstrosities:
They obviously aren’t, but rather than disobeying orders they’ve shown themselves to be inclined to resign, leading to openings that Trump can and has filled with loyalists who, I genuinely think, are under the impression that a civil war is needed.
I know you meant 24/7, but 4/7 is so spot-on as a description of Trump’s version of effort.
Was there, like, some sort of executive mandate that Sonequa Martin-Green has to hug someone while crying in every episode of this season?
Yeah, I’m gonna guess that they either open-solicited applications for these as grants and/or someone at HBO agrees with their general political orientation and hoped just saying “anti-sex trafficking organization” would convince the execs in charge of approval.
It depends on what you mean by “get away with.” His concession isn’t necessary for him to be replaced; it’s simply a matter of protocol and, you know, basic good manners.
$100k a year as an English professor at a community college? As someone who was in that profession for a long time--lolz.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to take the Oval Office desk with him.
If I remember correctly, he can’t be President or VP ever again if he’s convicted of a felony.
Sometimes I wonder if there’s an actual course in law school on how to punch up public statements regarding lawsuits with ridiculous hyperbole. “Offensive”? Good gravy, what does that even mean in this context?