Blaming this on Fed policy and not on the guys who caused a bank run because they were all in the same group chat is stupid.
Jesus Christ. It’s absolutely standard for bank failures to sell the bank’s assets in an attempt to make the depositors whole, because it’s absolutely vital for the functioning of the economy for people to be able to trust that they can put their money in banks. That’s part of the whole FDIC process: the Fed provides…
Well, that convinced me: I’m naming my first child Additional Carry On.
you should post this shit another dozen times. i dont think people are tired of reading it. maybe stop leaving all the lights and televisions in your house on all day and youll stop using more than 500kwh a month. its wasteful.
Copy and pasting the same non-sense over and over doesn’t make it right or true. It just makes you annoying.
Uh, what? This smells like bullshit to me.
My Chevy Bolt uses about 29Kwh to drive 100 miles.
I pay .25 per Kw to charge at home. That’s $7.25 for 100 miles.
My gas car gets about 22 mpg combined, for 100 miles that’s 4.5 gallons @ $4/gal = $18 in regular gas for 100 miles.
If someone gave him $200 million while he was being shitty at League, is he really the joke of this particular story?
Does anyone else feel like they could go in to a meeting with some of these higher ups, just say a long string of buzz words, and proceed to walk out with 10s of millions of dollars?
Because that’s honestly how I feel right now. Its not even con artistry at this point, these people are just desperate to lose money…
“Mike’s Way” depends on the location, to a degree, I think. I went to one near where I used to work and always got it Mike’s Way - there was oil and vinegar, but in an appropriate amount. It was a really good sandwich without being overpowering. But then I moved and ordered the exact same sandwich from a different…
The last car loan I had was 0% for 36 months. So I’m supposed to pull cash money out of my portfolio because why?
We microplane parmesan cheese with butter and salt on our popcorn. delish.
Musk not giving people credit for anything he shows off is exactly the reason why his army of Weird Nerds think that he singlehandedly invented Rockets, Space Travel, Electric Cars, and the entire concept of Engineering.
Yeah for once this segment is dead on. Those fuckers are horrible. They somehow manage to always be perfectly covering one another too, so it makes it incredibly hard to sneak up on them because they’ve always got an overwatch nearby ready to fuck you up.
I agree with this one. Those jerks are the worst. Especially since they can spot you from a LONG way off. Far enough you likely weren’t even aware of them the first time, until a giant spear of an arrow impales you from halfway across the map....only a minor exaggeration.
I actually sent this to one of my friends, and he said “it looks exactly the same”. Buddy, you really should go back and look up how Goldeneye really played...
I have the air fryer lid for my 6qt IP. So far, it’s good for meals with 1-2 folks. Things I’ve like so far — italian sausages — 11 minutes, flip half way. Really juicy with crisp skin. Set and forget while dealing with whatever else I’m having with the sausages. Haven’t tried, but I believe that you only need to add…
I think to maximize confusion, the new state should be called Olympia, and its capitol should be called Washington.
It’s not an elder scrolls game until: I bump into a bowl on a shelf, sending it shooting across the room at speed of sound, then someone screams “FETCHER!” way too loud compared to the other environmental sound and voices, and then the entire town turns hostile and the game crashes. That’s how you know it’s time to…