
Well, as a nearly 43 year old man, I certainly hope the game brings me the joy in my life that it does for random Australian man. I’ll not get my identity twisted up in the rest of it! Reminders of childhood joy are not a dime a dozen when you have responsibilities, and thats how I’ll take it!

Ah, that explains it. We’ve found Scott Adams. Surveys of 1,000 out of 331,900,000 often prove to be accurate and statistically relevant.

Well, we live in a world where decisions made exclusively by old or dead white men continue to oppress minorities, and where at least 74 million Americans are not turned off by white supremacist ideals. So, *something* is self evident

So the anecdote here is that you live in apparently the place with the highest rates for electricity in the country - 50percent morethat of rates in Hawaii, the most expensive state for power - and have the most fuel efficient ICE vehicle as a comparison. If we go by anything remotely like averages for electricity

When I first found the area, I was a 2 shot kill for them. And since everywhere the sniper jerks are, there are at least 2.....Yeah, I feel like they caused me more deaths than any “standard” enemy. Oh, a 2 meter arrow from a half mile away? Nice.

Rav 4 Hybrid doesn’t qualify for the Federal tax credits, don’t know about individual states. The Rav4 Prime is actually the main vehicle I’m cross shopping against this, but while it’s quick for an SUV, it handled poorly in my test drive. Also dealers are jacking up the price 5-15k when they actually get them. Both

So much this. People will get bogged down and overwhelmed because “oooh, all the graphs and numbers, it must be true”. But you can make a set of data say anything you want it to. Without the appropriate context, raw data is pretty damned useless.

My only regret is having but one star to give. That and not making grilled cheese for lunch.

Microsoft makes a newer version of the Wireless adapter that is far less prone to breaking. The old one would snap in two if you gave it a stern look. The newer one is smaller and more well built - and the same price.

Microsoft makes a newer version of the Wireless adapter that is far less prone to breaking. The old one would snap

Indeed. The headline just right about murdered the Marylander in me. Thankfully I was able to keep from hyperventilating just long enough to read the article. It was well worth my time.

I had planned on paying for the EA Origin Deluxe subscription for a month, but that’s a $15 gamble that I get around to finishing it in a month. With my backlog, that’s no sure thing. I also don’t care about the case - but I do like having the physical disc vs digital - especially on a console.

Fallen Order for $25? And at the box right by my house? Please and Thank you. This was a very timely opportunity.

I’m pretty certain it will be available there once they expand the hardware lineup. Since I have three of them, I certainly hope it will be.
I feel like they just want full control over the hardware until they get all the kinks worked out.

My thought was that if it actually works, it could be pretty great for traveling. I often travel for work (or to visit family, etc), so I end up in places with decent (but not great) wifi. Previously, I have had to lug around a gaming laptop to do any real gaming. If Stadia works, and I can just stream it to a

As long as Alton Brown tells me generic American butter makes better Southern Biscuits than Irish butter, I will continue to use generic American butter for my biscuits. Is my biscuit-making skill high enough for me to tell the difference? Unlikely. But if something as simple as using cheaper butter brings me closer

Hey now, Trump became president of ‘Murica at the mental age of *holds up three tiny fingers, stares intently for an uncomfortable length of time* This many! Greta clearly needs to up her game if she has to mentally be 16 to rule the Earth. I mean, it’s so much smaller than the USA

Sounds like I’ve got a field trip coming up at a lunch break in the near future....

What is this? A coffee for ants?!

They did actually made it better. Granted, it didn’t take much. And it didn’t do much. But for me the improvement took it from “If the office buys pizza from Domino’s, I’ll still eat something else” to “Well, I guess it’s not so bad that I’ll turn down free pizza”

You muddle the cherry and orange with the sugar cube and bitters. At least in many places (as I just learned up thread that apparently there are various regional variations!)