
They’re probably lazy. At a bar where they aren’t commonly ordered, it can be a pain to track down the ingredients and tools. It’s pretty rare to have to find the muddler, especially if its not mojito season. Or if they’re like I was when I first started bartending, they have no idea how to make one and have to look

I think we can do better.

My interpretation says that if we make the crust higher than the toppings, a pizza becomes salad. All this time, we’ve been eating healthy! I can get behind this cube rule.

I feel like a good variation on this challenge would be to continue using the credit card, but immediately (or daily, weekly, as soon as the charge posts, etc) pay the balance off.

The Mini 9 is the ONLY good hackintosh experience I’ve ever had. Every other one turned into a litany of disasters. Unfortunately, the smooth experience there convinced me that it would be just as easy in the future. So I built one for a friend, leading to years of constant support where I had to fix all of the

Well. Now I'm trying this Saturday. You make a convincing argument

I’ve always done a light coating of salt/pepper on the skin, but liberal salt/oil/herbs under the skin. That way it works into the skin and meat both, and prevents the herbs from burning under the brick. But I’ve never seasoned 48 hours before. I’ll have to try that method.

Gluten free beers are indeed terrible. My girlfriend has an intolerance, and as such we ran the gambit of gluten free beers to try out. They are pretty universally crap - though a couple San Diego breweries I popped into did a decent job.

Ordering a well done burger? Nobody will hate you for that. (Well, I guess some burger zealots may, but that is a different matter).

How long do people spend washing dishes? It would take me like a month to get through a single episode of most podcasts!

I like the idea of planning out a week. I try to do it Monday morning. Nobody else in the office does anything on Monday morning anyway, so there is plenty of uninterrupted time.

I get the feeling you haven’t read the full text of many patch notes in the past

This is a sad day for me. While Domino’s is certainly head and shoulders above where it used to be, it is still the only pizza place I have eaten where I will actively turn down free pizza. Not in an “I would starve before eating it” kind of way, but in the “my coworkers don’t actually mind it, let them have it and

75k in Ohio? Sure. Well, other than the being in Ohio part. 75k in SF, NY or DC? Not so sure.

I think they are doing relatavistic math involving the speeds and orbits of Mars and Earth. So (eliminating variables for simplicity) Earth is moving through space @ X miles per hour. And the tesla is moving at X+6715 mph.

It may be reasonable compared to the current lunacy, but it’s still a midrange card at a 50% markup. Anyone not in desperate need should continue to wait.

It may be reasonable compared to the current lunacy, but it’s still a midrange card at a 50% markup. Anyone not in

Sure, the style probably won’t directly result in the hangover. But that heavy IPA is far more likely than that lager to be 8%+. And if you don’t take that into account...I’d venture that would cause a worse hangover.

Depends on the place. At some places, the bartenders will have a “comp tab” where the restaurant gives them a dollar amount or percentage of sales that they can ring up as giveaways. Other places, the bartender literally pays for it. Others....well, sometimes it falls into the essentially stealing bucket. Of those

“Most Americans expect our beers to have some degree of carbonation, though some still beers exist.”

I tried it once (thanks to another lifehacker article telling me *to* cook my avocado). Never again...Never again.

I’ve been kicking around the same idea for a few days. I just haven’t seen an active used listing with bids over 700 to make me jump all in. Where did you sell?