
Well, so much accomplishing any fitness related goals this year. I’ll be back from my biscuit induced coma in 2019.

I don’t know about jumping the shark, but that part was hard to swallow. Why not just jump a mon Calamari cruiser through the death star of that was how hyperspace worked this whole time? I had no real issues with the pointless side quests...but that could have been done by any of the other ships in the group, instead

For me the and has always been lasership. Never seen it from usps, but that wouldn’t surprise me. Lasership has just been the king of “documented delivery at five, true delivery at eleven” in the northern Virginia area for years

That is quite a deal. Especially compared with the $360 I paid for it. I wouldn’t say it was worth the $360 - but at $20 it is a hell of a value purchase.

That is quite a deal. Especially compared with the $360 I paid for it. I wouldn’t say it was worth the $360 - but at

Hadn’t heard they were popping one up @ Del Campo. Good news. That said, I’m far closer to the Falls Church spot. If you are willing to put up with long lines and the added difficulty of getting to one since they arent everywhere, Taco Bamba is money. District Taco isn’t a bad consolation prize though.

I’ve also only played the VR version. My take was mostly “Why is this in VR”. It’s not a decent platformer, but I felt like the VR aspect was more of a detractor than an asset.

At the title, I was confused as to how a smoked turkey was lazy. I hadn’t realized that whole pre-smoked turkeys were a thing. I might just snag a smoked turkey for the hell of it - smoked turkey is delicious.

I find that the tomato on top of cheese results in a structurally compromised burger, as the wet tomato slides on the melted cheese, and brings the rest of the top half of the burger with it as soon as it is picked up. And if you give the tomato enough time to set into the cheese, it ends up a (literal) hot mess - I

From the amount of venom received in response, I get the feeling that what I think I’m saying, and what others think I am saying, is not lining up.

Oh, I’m going to have to try some of these. Hadn’t ever thought to preroast-micro wave-steam squash. I do so hate how long squash takes to cook normally

That’s fair, and I think I did mention that the article was not the issue. My issue was just with the tone of the title. I would venture that is more the editors going for clicks.

A site with the single purpose of providing people with new and different ways of doing things. Thats a bit different from telling people what to do.

More like stop telling people how to do things? Yes, I know the article says you’re not stopping anyone, but the headline certainly says you are.

I want to see “how to handle a PR crisis WORSE than Equifax”. How to do it better pretty much boils down to “Do literally ANY single thing correctly”

I bought mine specifically as a UHD Blu Ray player. Kinda surprised the feature isn’t more highly promoted - but a lot of people have an irrational hatred of physical media these days.

You cant cover both Bruce and Holt at the same time! It can’t be done! But add in the QB ball placement mechanic from the NFL 2k series of the same era.....Hacks I tell you. Hacks.

Indeed it is the technical definition of overrated. I just feel like the term is overused to mean things aren’t good. And I do agree with you that none of the items you listed are the respective best. But I feel like implying they aren’t good does them a disservice.

I’m going to ask your definition of overrated? Is it really just things that are great, but people say are GRRRRREAT (insert Tony the Tiger voice here)? Because all of the things you have listed are awesome. Not the best of the best by any means, but certainly head and shoulders above merely “good”. By that measure,

If you are laying out on the beach using the Switch as an umbrella while playing it docked to a TV, you may need to cool it. If you have any semblance of climate control, not so much.

I’ve often thought my wine needed a poncho. It’s good to have validation. Next up whiskey cardigans.