I’m a data dork by profession and this is about all I’ve ever done at any job. I mean we try not to be so ridiculous as to not damage our credibility and really nobody’s “analysis” is free from bias.
I’m a data dork by profession and this is about all I’ve ever done at any job. I mean we try not to be so ridiculous as to not damage our credibility and really nobody’s “analysis” is free from bias.
At a previous position, I’ve literally been required by senior management to cherry pick data to prove his stance. Technically, the analysis was “Fact”, as long as you read every single footnote and exception.
I even put a footnote stating that the author/analyst does not agree with this analysis. That probably killed…
The basic idea here is that the show is about good people, and we want to see them do good things. I’d like to think that being a good person and an American cop aren’t mutually exclusive.
This is a branding issue, as silly as that sounds.
The harsh reality is that if most people are expected to save up 12 months of expenses before they start investing, it will be too late to start investing. I could probably write a book on this, but the short version would be:
I’m very happy with my Secret Lab Titan, it has been great for working from home. It’s a high quality, has plenty of adjustability, and it’s available in a few different fabrics and color schemes that aren’t obnoxious. While the Titan ($399) is disqualified here at a limit of 290lbs, the good news is is that there’s a …
I’m very happy with my Secret Lab Titan, it has been great for working from home. It’s a high quality, has plenty of…
I almost always send single texts with multiple sentences vs separate texts for each sentence. Maybe this makes me an old, but I prefer receiving texts this way as well. I hate hearing my phone sound off three different alerts for what is essentially one text/thought from a friend. I feel the long text with proper…
If you have 900 dollars and choose an iPad for a workstation, you are an insane person.
If you have 900 dollars and choose an iPad for a workstation, you are an insane person.
Yes, it is exactly “fine.”
Unless the card is on a promotional 0% interest, for the love of god do whatever you can to not accrue 24% interest! Low interest loans? Sure. Get a forbearance. Do NOT let a credit card accrue interest!
With a lot of people working on reduced incomes, the items you showcase exhibit a tone-deafness that’s amusing. That’s the angle you were going for, right?
With a lot of people working on reduced incomes, the items you showcase exhibit a tone-deafness that’s amusing. That’…
To be honest, this entire comment section is pretty gross to read. I get that people dislike Bernie Sanders, but I don’t understand this pervasive sense that he’s some narcissist who is not earnest about his policy goals, or that it’s unreasonable for him to take Biden to task on these policy questions.
Why not using fireballs?
If the least expensive flight includes a four-hour layover, for example, that’s four hours of your vacation that you can’t actually spend on vacation.
What if I don’t hate my guests?
Damn, I went from horrified to intrigued in just a few sentences.
I’m 6' and I adore my Cal King. Maybe it’s easier to find stuff for it because I’m in California, but I have never had any issues getting stuff for it. Heck, I may buy a new bed later this year, and I have my eye on an heirloom-quality quartersawn oak number at the store.
As long as someone isn’t trying to pull into the spot on the other side it is totally fine.
I almost never add milk or cream to my scrambles eggs. If I want them creamy, I’ve found either cooking them super slow or adding cornstarch (linked above) is actually more effective!